Page 36 of Little Bird (The Underworld Kings)
The soles of my ballet flats were silent as I made my way across the marble floor and into the study. Gio and Riccardo stood in front of the fireplace, a square cut glass in each of their hands.
Riccardo was showboating as he told Gio all the shit he’d accomplished in his forty-two years. He’d learn quick enough it wasn’t Gio he had to impress but me.
“Impressive,” Gio murmured, but his voice said otherwise. I could tell he was not at all impressed with anything, and when he glanced at Riccardo, who kept talking and talking… and talking, I noticed the curl of disgust forming on Gio’s mouth.
I took a step forward, just the slightest movement, but it was enough sound to alert Gio of my presence.
He glanced at me, looked me up and down as he took in what I wore, and I didn’t miss how that curl of annoyance on his mouth changed to one of amusement.
Riccardo was slower to realize someone was else in the room, not a trait Gio approved of as he made a deep, irritated sound in the back of his throat. I knew without having to ask that, although the dinner would still begin, Riccardo was already out.
If you didn’t realize you weren’t alone, how in the hell could you protect anyone?
When Riccardo noticed me, he turned and grinned. His black hair was slicked back, almost like a shiny onyx helmet on his head. He had the thickest eyebrows I’d ever seen, ones that were reminiscent of caterpillars.
And there was a sweaty sheen to his face, one I knew had nothing to do with him standing before the fire and everything to do with the fact that he was nervous and scared shitless of Gio.
As he should be.
“I didn’t even hear you there.” Riccardo eyed me salaciously, and I narrowed my eyes. “Little things like you don't make any sound, do they?”
I cocked an eyebrow and looked at Gio. He shrugged a shoulder but shook his head right before he tossed back his drink and walked to the bar to grab another one.
Riccardo ran a finger over his bottom lip and grinned wider. “Not sure I’m all about your choice of attire for dinner, but we’ll work on that.”
I clenched my jaw and curled my hands into tight fists at the implication that I’d, what, obey this asshole if we were married?
Gio must have seen my thoughts clearly written on my face because he coughed loudly. I glanced at him to see him wipe a droplet of scotch from his mouth as he choked on the liquid.
“Let’s eat,” Gio said and drank down a second glass before setting it on the bar top and gesturing for us to follow.
Riccardo tracked me with his eyes the entire time. I sat across from him as we took our places at the dining room table. My skin felt like a hundred ants crawled over me when I watched him look at my mouth and lick his lips.
And for the rest of the evening, I had to listen to this greasy motherfucker tell me all about how he’d make an incredible husband and how powerful he’d be once he took over his father’s position.
Oh, and let’s not forget the fact that he let me know all the women he’d fucked had never been displeased with his performance in bed.
That last bit had made me actually gag on my food, had Gio slamming his hand down on the table so hard the glasses shook, and cursing something vile at Riccardo. Then, thankfully, kicked his ass out the front door.
I stood there staring at Gio after he shut the front door with an echoing, heavy thud. He faced me and crossed his arms, glaring down at me before exhaling.
“He was an ass.”
I snorted, said nothing, and went back upstairs. I knew tomorrow it would be a different day but the same shit.
Chapter 22
The next two dinners went about the same as the one with Riccardo.
I felt like this was a joke with a revolving door of prospective suitors that got nastier with each one that came to the house.
After Riccardo, I knew it wouldn’t matter how dressed up or down I was. They’d take me if I was in a burlap sack because marrying me made ties with Gio. A capo with immense power and a short fuse. Hell, his reputation before becoming capo struck fear in every single person.
He was brutal, known as a savage. He thrived off bloodshed. And that's what made him such an important person to have on your side as your family. Even if it was by marriage.
So I went with modest dresses that gave the impression that maybe I was thinking about joining a convent.
Collar up to my neck, sleeves down to my wrists, and hem falling to my ankle.