Page 5 of Becoming His Cowgirl
“I’m…uhhh…,” I stammer. “Yeah. I work there.”
Not being sure how to react to a question nobody’s ever asked me before.
“So, you’re a real-life cowboy?” Rose probes me further, her eyes widening as she shifts her gaze from me to Tina.
I wince internally at the word. But in my line of work, you’d think I would’ve gotten used to it by now.
“Ranch hand is usually what we call it these days,” I grunt. Surprised by my sudden annoyance with the woman.
If Tina had broken down out here on her own, things might go a little smoother.
“I can give you both a ride. But this will have to wait until morning,” I rasp, motioning to the tiny car that looks so small, so fragile that I could pick it up and toss it on the back of my own truck.
If it wasn’t already so full of stock feed.
“I was out looking for you, Mrs. Tanner,” I add in a kinder tone, remembering that as irritating as she might be, she’s still a ranch guest.
And maybe even a future in-law…Don’t want to get off on the wrong foot, Mack.
“It’s Ms. Tanner,” Rose snaps, almost spitting the words until she composes herself just as swiftly.
I feel my brows lift in surprise. Already wondering if her daughter’s as obviously single as her mom is.
“Sorry,” she murmurs. “It’s been a long day, and we’d just like to….”
“I understand,” I say to her, stopping her short. “I’ll get your luggage,” I offer, still mindful of my arousal.
Not even daring to shift my eyes to her daughter right now, let alone step out from behind the car door.
But Rose gives me plenty of cover once she orders Tina to help her with their things, and I have the perfect full view of her as she steps out of their car.
Her sweet, round face and hair. The way she pushes her glasses up her button nose with her finger. Still red with embarrassment when I feel her eyes almost meeting mine again.
But she looks like she’s in some kind of shock. The only thing giving away her true feelings is the coy little smile playing on her lips.
Maybe Tina likes the idea of a real-life cowboy?
I groan quietly to myself as I feel my hardness shift up a notch.
I watch as Tina’s ample chest strain against her shirt and her perfect, apple-shaped ass as she bends over to get her bags from the back seat.
The day’s travel seeing all her clothes clinging to her curves in a way I know my fingers could match.
A jeans and sweater girl too. And wearing decent hiking boots.
What’s not to like about her?
Uh…the fact she’s probably half your age and her mother is within swinging distance.
That thought makes me grimace.
But the more I stare at Tina, the more I feel myself falling for her.
Every part of me, every fiber of my being wants to take her into my arms.
To hold her close. Tell her she’s safe now.
Mack’s here. And he’s going to look after you from now on.
“I told you we’d be fine. Didn’t I?” Mom grins over at me as we heft our luggage from the back seat.
I haven’t packed too much, but the bags feel so heavy now.
The weakness in my knees spreads to my arms and makes me wonder if it’s from sitting so long and traveling all day.
Or is it a certain ranch hand? A certain, older, and handsome man who really has come to rescue me….
Mack seems happy enough to let my mom struggle to get her bags into his truck, but he’s quick to lift mine from my fingers once he sees me struggling. Moving over to me in two long strides, our fingers touching and making me gasp as he shifts the weight of them from me.
Making my bags look like they weigh nothing as he hovers one over his front, making out like he’s trying to find room for the other.
Almost as if he’s using the bag to cover himself or something.
I’m not imagining one thing, however.
A single little touch from his huge, thick fingers on mine has sent fresh shockwaves of that magic feeling I’ve felt building long before I even saw him.
Feeling him so close to me, even though it’s only for a moment, is enough to make me swoon.
My mom picks up on something that’s not right, asking me if I’m okay for the tenth time since we spotted Mack’s truck.
I shoot her a serious look. Already wishing maybe I was here for a weekend without her.
If I’d known we were going to have a real man like Mack for the weekend, I might’ve had time to make up a story.
You know, something like she’s my older sister, not my mom.
Having her call me out or even ask if I’m okay in front of Mack is just embarrassing.