Page 3 of His Toy
“Don’t forget to take your break Bee. We’ve got plenty of time to finish cleaning the rest of the building,” the first said before they went down the elevator.
He watched as the third woman pushed the vacuum towards his brothers’ offices and noticed she’d left Ted’s for last. He crept back towards the door when he heard the vacuum shut off and waited as she walked over to the chessboard.
“Defeat…too bad,” she said with a light laugh that washed over him in strange ways as she made a final move and knocked over the chess piece. He watched as she studied the books on the shelves and pulled one down flipping pages until she found what she was looking for it seemed.
His breath tightened as she unzipped the top of the overalls she wore and slid her arms out of it as sat down on the couch. The woman’s body was incredible, breasts that he could definitely enjoy. He finally noticed the bag beside her and stared on in amazement as she opened it up then pulled out a textbook and notebook before she hit something on her phone.
She worked furiously and he couldn’t take his eyes off her, until he heard an alarm sound. She picked up the phone and silenced it before she put her things back in the bag and returned the book to the shelf.
His brother would be humiliated to know that a student had come up with a better idea than he had but for her to beat him at chess…that would hurt worse than anything else would. She turned towards the door, and he felt like he was sucker punched when recognition fully hit.
She moved over to the desk and studied the papers before turning in the book on the desk and placing a new sticky note on it. She stretched as she stood up straight, and the tank top rode up revealing a smooth stomach that made him want to cross the room and pull her in his arms to kiss her, especially now that he knew she was the one driving his brother crazy.
He couldn’t stop himself any longer, the need to see her closer, be near her was too much and he stepped into the room making her gasp in fright. “Brooke?”
“Professor Wilson? What are you…” Brooke asked taking a deep breath as her heart began to return to normal.
“I could as you the same thing. You’ve apparently been causing my brother all kinds of grief,” he said standing in the doorway.
“Your brother? Wait, Ted Wilson is your brother?”
“He is and I’ve got to say you’re the first person to ever beat him at chess.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about…” It was a total lie, but she couldn’t get caught now, she couldn’t lose her job and she knew that was likely if he ratted her out to the bosses about her snooping around Ted’s desk.
“I saw you finish the game and I saw you direct him again just now. What exactly are you playing at?” he asked, his brow lifting while his eyes slid up and down her.
“Nothing…it was stupid, but I saw the ideas on his desk, and they were typical. Look please don’t tell anyone that I’ve been doing this. I can’t afford to lose this job.”
“What if I could get you a new one?”
“Meaning what?” she asked as her pupils dilated seeing the way he was looking at her suddenly.
“You’re a beautiful girl but that’s not what I meant,” he said watching her cross her arms over her body. “My brother is likely to hire you. He asked me to hang out, see if I couldn’t figure out who was behind the brilliance he’d discovered lately.”
“I doubt if that’s true,” she said taking a step back towards her bag and the vacuum. “I can’t risk losing this job. It’s all that’s keeping me in the apartment.”
“I can change that.”
“And in return you’d want what?”
“I’d believe that if you weren’t still staring at my chest, if you hadn’t been staring at it or my ass all semester,” she stated moving closer to the conference room doors for protection if needed.
“I can’t deny you’re a beautiful girl…woman in this get up,” he repeated crossing the room to her. “You’d drive the boys crazy if you wore this little thing all the time at school.”
“Which is why I don’t,” she admitted, her stomach tightening seeing the smile that slid onto his lips at her answer. “Please just let me go, okay?”
“I can’t do that Brooke. The way I see it you have two options…I tell my brother exactly who’s been messing with him, or I tell the company you work for that you’ve been messing with personal items.”
“What if there’s a third?” she offered seeing the look in his eyes hadn’t lessened any, simply grown. It wouldn’t be hard to do this, stupid perhaps but not hard. She’d wanted to kiss him the first time she saw him and since then, that want had simply grown into more. If there was the slimmest chance of her getting what she wanted while also getting what kept her safe, she’d take it.
“What would that be?”
“I’ll do anything to keep you quiet,” she stated stepping closer to him, watching his eyes flare with deep desire.
“Anything?” Neil asked feeling his cock harden at the idea of using her the way he’d wanted to all semester.