Page 5 of His Toy
“Aging jerk?”
“Dalton Tolson…”
“The man’s nearly fifty!” he half-shouted, fury the thought of the man putting his hands on her racing through him.
“Tell me about it…and let’s just say he’s not exactly the type to consummate the marriage.”
“What?” he said in surprise.
“He’s gay number one and number two he can’t arise to the occasion even for men. He agreed to the deal because of it, and I can’t live like that.”
“How do you want to live?” he asked tilting her head back to look her in the eyes again. They were beautiful like her and showed no sign she was lying about anything she just said.
“Whatever way I choose. Believe me if my parents knew about this…that I occasionally go for the darker side of the sexual gamut they’d probably lock me in a mental ward for the next two years with electrical shock therapy. Then again that might not work too well,” she added with a grin that went straight to his dick.
“Why’s that?”
“Because it might be too enjoyable, figuring out ways to get out, what I had to do to convince people to look the other way…”
“Is that what you did to get here?” he asked, jealousy flowing through him thinking of her trading her sweet little body for anything, even with him. Fuck, especially with him. Shit, he wanted her to be with him because she wanted to, not because she had to be or thought it at least.
“I learned plenty of ways for the guard to overlook the money he was being paid and forget to watch the monitors.”
“Letting you get away, but now I know who you are, Brooke.”
“And I’m willing to do whatever I have to in order to keep you from using it.”
“Just how far are you willing to go?” he asked as his hand grabbed her neck, not squeezing simply holding her by it to see if she would let him.
“Save broken skin and the like however far I have to.”
“So if I squeezed your neck right here and drove myself into you, you wouldn’t argue or complain about me using you like a cum rag? If I didn’t bother to see if you were enjoying any of it, just focused on fucking this delightful body, you’d let me as long as I keep your identity to myself?”
“Yes,” Brooke agreed easily. She didn’t have many other choices. Not really considering she stupidly revealed who she really was to him, but she couldn’t stop herself. Being near him made her feel safe and hungry all at the same time and she didn’t want to waste it.
“I can use you whenever and wherever I want? Punish you however I want, and you’ll simply take it?”
“My own personal sex toy is what you’re willing to become, and you’ll accept anything, do anything I want you to do without question?”
“Yes,” she said again as her heart raced in anticipation at the hunger in his gaze, the warmth of his fingers against her skin. This was the safest she’d felt since leaving and she wasn’t about to question the why this instant.
“Then finish showing my brother what he should do on this deal and then next week you quit.”
“I can’t, I have to pay for the apartment.”
“I’ll cover the apartment. No arguing,” he added when her lips parted. “As you can see, I can afford it and if you want to keep your identity quiet then you’re going to accept that I’m paying it, that I own you and your body now.”
“And what exactly will I be allowed to do?” she asked excitement rushing through her at the slight husk, the total claim of the words own. It seared through her veins, and she wanted to sink into his touch instantly. It was insane, but she wanted him more with every hint of possession over her he made.
“Please me…pleasure me whenever I want. You’ll go to school and keep your grades up or else I’ll punish you for it. Anything less than a B will not be accepted, and very few of them even. You can socialize at school still, but youwon’tbe sleeping with any of the boys there; you will only be sleeping with me.”
“Anything else?” she asked, unable to help the way his words made her hungrier.
“I’m not going to control what you wear and what you eat. I don’t go for that but as far as anything else you’re mine sexually. If I say that I want you, that means you come please me as quickly as possible, but I’ll try to work around your classes. No one on campus finds out; so, you’d better have a good game face when it comes to needing homework help because I plan on using you, a lot.”
“Okay,” she agreed only partially because she didn’t have a choice. It was either say yes and endure what was sure to be lots of sexual punishment or say no and risk having to run. She didn’t want to run again. She liked this place and was enjoying being her. Not to mention she felt entirely turned on knowing he was the one that was going to own her. It might simply be for sex for him, but for her…these feelings he aroused inside her was worth it.