Page 27 of I've Found Her

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Page 27 of I've Found Her

“I own many guns Mr. Graves but they are all either in New York or registered in my name. I need an unregistered gun one which cannot be traced back to me.”

“Let me make a call and I will text you the address.” He understands immediately and the call ends. I never would have thought in a million years I would be taking Mr. Graves up on his offer of help. But needs must. He will be able to get me what I need much quicker than any other contact I have. I get back in the car as Josh finishes on the phone.

“I’ve got a team looking at all the vehicles which have exited the car park since this van drove in. There’s 24 altogether. I’ve got someone bringing in Rachel and a team looking for Claire’s brother and his associates. I had Chloe on hysterical and Bella’s father demanding answers. I’ve managed to put them off for a while but you’re going to have to speak to them soon. What do you want to do now? It’s your call?”

“I need answers first, before I speak to anyone. Take me to Rebecca,” I reply.

We pull into the empty car park of our new London office. We’ve only just signed the lease so the building is completely empty. Some of our team have taken her inside already. My blood boils as I get out of the car and enter the building. I need answers and she is going to give them to me. I walk down the hallway and I can hear Rebecca shouting.

“Why am I here!? This is kidnap you know. I’ll have you all arrested, or worse. I demand you let me go!” Rebecca is sitting at a table with the hands of Mike and James of my team firmly on her shoulders preventing her from getting up.

“Guys, thank you I will take it from here,” I say. Whichever way this goes, I don’t want them being involved. They exit the room and Rebecca stands up. “SIT THE HELL DOWN!!!” I shout as I boot one of the chairs next to her. It flies across the room smashing the window. The colour drains from Rebecca’s face and she sits down. Good, she knows I mean business.

“Where is Bella?!” Rebecca looks at me in the eyes; her face looks a little confused like that wasn’t what she expected me to say.

“I’m, I’m not sure, but I expect she’ll be still at the show?” she says. Either she is a really good actress with an amazing poker face or she’s telling the truth. I decide to switch approach.

“How well do you know Peter?” She doesn’t look as surprised with this question.

“Quite well, we have been dating for about 6 months.”

“And are you aware how I know Peter?” I ask.

“Yes, you killed his sister.” Fury builds inside me, but I must hold it together for Bella.

“Regardless of what he may think I have done, kidnapping an innocent young woman is absolutely ludicrous!” Rebecca looks at me as if trying to read my face. I’m holding myself together by a thread. I’m getting nowhere. The more time goes on the less chance I have of finding her and the more danger she is in. Everyone knows the first 24 hours are the most important.

“What’s happened Damien?” she looks concerned now.

“Bella has been kidnapped and you’d better start talking because if anyone has hurt her, I will be holding you responsible!” Fear fills Rebecca’s face.

“Peter wouldn’t kidnap Bella. He wanted her to know the truth about you. He wanted her to leave you and go back to where she came from. He wanted to hurt you and show you he could get to you. But this…. Peter wouldn’t do this.” She begins to cry.

“Then where is he Rebecca? Where the hell is Peter? And why weren’t you at the show tonight? It’s all very convenient?”

“I swear to you Damien, I have nothing to do with this. Yes, I’ve messed with things in salon to drive Bella out. She’s been stealing my clients and everyone in the salon likes her better than me. She’s been taking over! It’s been like the Bella show ever since she arrived. She can’t do anything wrong.” I stare at her for a moment trying to read her. She does look shocked and upset “I may wish I had never employed her, but I’m not evil. I would never hurt her.”

“You’re one messed up woman Rebecca, why wouldn’t you just sack her?” I ask, losing patience.

“What for? Like I said, she never did anything wrong. Everyone loves her. If I had got rid of Bella everyone in that salon would hate me and probably leave. The show tonight was the Bella show once again. I couldn’t bear to see it. That designer should have picked me, the manager of Foster & Thomas, as brand stylist and ambassador. Not someone on my payroll!”

Rebecca may be a jealous bitch, and I will definitely be dealing with her. But she knows nothing. I’m good at reading people and she has just told me truth in a roundabout way. She doesn’t know where Bella is. I need to rethink. I leave the office building and check my phone- fifteen missed calls and voicemails from Chloe. I take a deep breath. I wish I had some good news for her.

Chapter 16


I’m lying down and it’s dark. Am I in bed? I can’t be in bed because I can feel movement. I try and move but I’m incredibly weak. I wince as move my back. I feel a pain in my neck shoot down my spine. It’s sore, like it has been hit with something. I lie still for a moment trying to wake up from this dream or nightmare but I don’t. My mind goes to the last thing I remember. I was at the show. I had delivered my speech and presentation. It went extremely well. I managed to hold my nerves, and I think I came across pretty confidently and passionate. The audience seemed engaged and there was a standing ovation at the end.

I remember seeing Damien’s face. He was to the side of the stage- his eyes didn’t leave my face and he looked so proud of me. I felt so special being up there on stage, having him and my family and friends supporting me. The show ended and we all exited the stage at the back. I went into the dressing room. Nobody was in there as everyone else went out to celebrate. But I just wanted a couple of minutes to myself. I was so overwhelmed. I sat at a dressing table and looked at myself in the mirror. I felt a rush of emotion. Relief it was over, satisfaction that I had gone out there and faced my fears and gratitude that I have been able to do it and demonstrate my passion.

Tears had filled my eyes. I had put my face in my hands to take some deep breaths, when I heard someone walk up behind me. It was a man by the sound of his footsteps, even though it felt like he was trying to be quiet. I assumed it was Damien looking for me. I lifted my head up to greet him but as I did something covered my face. I then felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck. Heat then flowed up into my head and down into my body- until nothing. That’s all I remember until now.

I strain my eyes open. It’s dark, pitch black. I try and sit up but my hands are tied behind my back. They’re fastened at the wrists in what feels like zip-ties. They are extremely tight and when I move, they seem to get tighter. My legs are also tied together at the ankles. I lift up but bang my head on something above. I’m trying to make out where I am. I’m moving. I feel like I’m in a car. Oh my God. I’m in a boot. I am in the boot of a car. Panic sets in. I can’t breathe. Oh my God. I…..can’t…. breathe.

I wake up again. I’m not sure how long I’ve been out for. Maybe a few minutes, maybe an hour. I need to control my anxiety. I can do this. I do this all the time, most days actually. Usually for things like catching the tube or speaking to people I don’t know but still. Right, deep breaths. Ok, so my goal is to assess the situation and find a way to get out, simple. Deep breaths.

Here’s what I know- my wrists and ankles are fastened with zip ties. I remember seeing a TikTok video about how to get out of zip ties. Unfortunately, I never watched it properly. Kicking myself for that now- well I would if I my ankles weren’t stuck together.

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