Page 30 of I've Found Her
Ok maybe he’s not that relaxed around me just yet. “I changed my mind I would like a glass of wine if that’s ok?”
His face softens. “Of course, now you sit back down I’ll get it for you.” He leads me back to the sofa and I sit down. I may not have made it in the kitchen but I did see the fruit bowl on the kitchen work top. No keys though unfortunately.
My next thought is his coat pocket. I haven’t seen any coats lying about but there is a cloak room by the front door. I’d have to go past there to get to the toilet. I doubt he will let me go on my own but we can try.
“John I’m just going to nip to the loo” I shout into the kitchen.
“No! I mean, I’m coming, I’ll help.” He runs in and grabs me.
“I’m fine really John I’ll hop.”
He doesn’t say anything else just leads me down the hall. I don’t want to push him as he might get suspicious. We go past the cupboard near front door; it’s ajar and I can see John’s coat hanging in there. It’s one I bought him a couple of Christmases ago. I bet the keys are in the pocket. He guides me into the bathroom and closes the door.
“I’ll be right outside, shout me if you need me.” Ok well that’s an improvement- he left me alone. Baby steps- I need to just wait for my opportunity. It might be tonight, it might be in a few days but I will get out.
Chapter 18
We’ve arrived in the Lake District. We’ve got the registration plate and make of the second car Bella was taken in. We’ve followed it up to the lakes but there’s not many cameras up here so we still haven’t got a location. I have rounded up the biggest search and rescue team I could. All my team I could gather, the police, the Lake District and mountain search and rescue team. I’ve even called in another favour from Mr. Graves; he’s sent me some of his men too. There’s a lot of ground to cover.
After I’ve given everyone their orders and they’re all equipped with a first aid pack and some sort of knife (I insist on this as I say she will probably be tied up but I also want everyone to have some sort of weapon) I send them on their way.
My phone rings- it’s Chloe.
“Damien I’ve managed to get a message to the airline John’s parents are flying with but they said they didn’t check in or board the plane. It doesn’t make sense. I’ve been ringing their house but there’s no answer. I’m on my way there now. I’m thinking a neighbour may have a key and there might be an address book with John’s grandma’s address in.”
“Good idea, don’t go on your own though- I’ll have someone come with you”
“It’s ok, Josh has already given me a bodyguard,” she says sarcastically
“Good, stay with him and keep me posted. Ring as soon as you arrive.”
“Will do- be careful Damien and please find my best friend,” Chloe sobs into the phone. “Have no doubt, I will.”
I end the call and climb into the helicopter. I’m looking for the car. It’s going to be like trying to find a needle in a haystack in the pitch black and wood land but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.
We scan the area for a few hours using the thermal night vision camera. We’ve covered quite a good area as we stay high up to hopefully not alert Bella’s kidnapper that we are close by. There’s a clearing in a large, dense, woodland with a small cottage in the middle. We have flown over plenty of other houses similar;but I just have a gut feeling about this one. We circle the area a couple of times and see a car on the driveway which from up here looks like the one we are looking for. I need to get on the ground for closer look. We land about 3 miles away, hopefully they won’t have had any warning I’m on my way.
My phone rings- it’s Chloe. “We’ve arrived. We didn’t need to go to the neighbours, the front door was unlocked. They’re dead Damien. Both of them. They’ve been shot. He’s got a gun Damien you need to find her, please!” Chloe cries down the phone.
Mikes been asked by Josh to stay with Chloe and he comes on to the phone. “Boss, I’ve located their address book and I have a Lake District address for ‘Mum’” I check the address with our co-ordinates and bingo. We are here, I waste no time in heading towards the house.
It’s well into the early hours now, John is very relaxed and pretty drunk. We’ve reminisced about old times- well John has. I’ve smiled and nodded along. I have had some good times with John but not this John. When I get out of here, I’m going to get John the help he needs. I know the old John is in there somewhere- he just needs help finding him. I look over at him and he’s falling asleep in the chair. This could be my opportunity. I wait for him to start snoring so I know he’s in a deep sleep.
My heart starts to race, and my ears start to ring. I need to do this now. I get up quietly. I slowly make my way out of the living room and into the hall. I use the walls and furniture to support my weight. I get to the cupboard and pull the door open. It makes a loud screeching sound as do. I freeze and listen. John has stopped snoring. I hold my breath and pray he hasn’t fully woken.
After a minute or so he begins to snore again. Thank goodness. I reach in the cupboard and grab John’s coat. It feels heavy like there’s keys in the pocket. I put my hand in and feel keys. Thank the Lord. I put the coat on as it’s one less thing to carry and I get to the front door. I unlock the bolts and chain. I try a few keys until the door opens. I sigh in relief and take a deep breath. I’ve done it.
I put the keys in the pocket and make my way to the car. My ankle is so painful but I use it anyway. I run as fast as I can. I pull out the keys and look for the car key. It’s not here. There’s no car key on this key ring. I search through the pockets. Nothing. I let out a cry and drop to my knees; this can’t be. I was so close! Why is the car key not here?! Why did I not check? I mentally kick myself. I’m suddenly brought out of my self-annoyance by the sound of movement in the house. He’s awake. Shit. All I can do is run.
I head down the driveway and then into the woods on the right. If I can try and head in the direction of the drive I should find my way the main road. I need to keep deep enough into the woods so that John won’t see me from the road though.
It’s pitch black and freezing. I’m glad I put John’s coat on but I can still feel the icy air. The under growth of the woodland is dense and comes up to my knees in some areas. It’s incredibly hard to walk in- never mind run. My broken ankle is on fire and my feet are sting with to constant cuts and puncture wounds with each step I take. My adrenaline is wearing off now and I am very aware that I am barefoot. I’m panting and my lungs burn as I try and fill them with oxygen.
I hear John shouting my name in the distance. Oh no. He knows I am gone. The distance between us is not enough- I must keep moving.