Page 32 of I've Found Her
Nobody yet knows what happened to Bella while she was in the hands of that man. Although she was only gone for about 12 hours, her injuries show what an intense and horrendous ordeal she has endured.
There’s a tap at the door and I look up to see Josh in the doorway. “Hey mate, can I have a word?” I nod and follow Josh down the hall to an empty family room. “I’ve had a meeting with the police this morning,” Josh begins, his voice bearing a tone that worries me. “It seems that John was actually employed by King security, and that is how he got to Bella. He was one of the new security recruits we took on a few weeks ago. He was covering backstage. I’m so sorry Damien. All his credentials checked out. I checked his references and police records- he was totally clean. He used his real name. I just didn’t know who he was Damien.”
My heart drops to my gut. No Josh wouldn’t know who John was. But I would have. If I had read John’s application I would have known straight away. Only I didn’t read it. Josh asked me if I had wanted to go through them before he interviewed, but I didn’t. I’ve let myself slip. I have let my emotions take control and in doing so, someone I love has got hurt. This could have been prevented. I could have stopped this.
“You weren’t to know Josh, but I should have. You asked me to look over them, but I didn’t.”
“Damien don’t…”
I interrupt him, “Leave it Josh, I’m going home for a shower. Will you stay with Bella until her parents return, I don’t want her being alone?”
“Of course.”
I get a taxi to the nearest pub. I order a bottle of scotch, much to the barman’s surprise but he gives it me anyway. I find a table and sit in a quiet corner of the old-fashioned pub. I’m trying to register the information Josh has just told me. I knew we had tight security on the event. I couldn’t understand how John had managed to get in. Although I’d not really thought much of it yet as my mind has been solely on Bella. Now I know how he got to her. He had been there all the time. I drain my glass and refill it. How could I have let this happen. Nothing ever gets past me. I make a vow to myself now. I will do all I can to ensure Bella is never hurt again no matter what the consequences. My mind wanders back to Pete’s words to me at my father’s funeral. If he finds out about my love for Bella, he, no doubt will try to harm her.
I sit and think until my brain hurts and my bottle is empty. “Alright pal, I’ve ordered you a taxi, it’s waiting outside” says the barman who’s standing at my table. I’ve seen him keep checking on me and he obviously thinks it’s time for me to go. I’ve no objections.
Somehow, I make it into my bed. I’m still fully clothed but I cannot function any longer. I close my eyes. The room is spinning. The contents of my stomach, pretty much the whole bottle of scotch, projectiles out of me and across the bedroom floor. I don’t care in the slightest. I wipe my mouth on the bed sheet and fall into a deep sleep.
Chapter 20
I’m walking down a long hallway; there’s a light the end and I know I need to get to that light. I run as fast as I can but the light doesn’t seem to get any closer. I push with all my might. I run and run and this time I finally I reach a bright yellow door. I turn the handle and it opens. There right in front of me is what I have been search for my whole life, my final piece of my puzzle. I reach out to touch……. but I’m pulled back with such force the light disappears in front of me. My body becomes heavy and I’m now in darkness. I saw it. I saw what I need to be free. But it’s gone. I don’t remember what it was.
My mouth feels like sand paper- my head has a banging pulse of its own, I can smell a putrid smell which turns my delicate stomach. Snippets of memories return. I groan at the reality of the nightmare I am currently in. I need to get out of this room.
I have a shower, then go into the kitchen and make myself a strong coffee. I sit for what must be an hour as when I take a sip of my coffee it is stone cold. I feel out of control and it is so very foreign to me.
I hear my lift arrive. I know who it is; only two people know my access code and one of them is lying in hospital. “What are you doing here?” I grumble to Josh as he steps out of the lift.
“I came to see if you were still alive. I’ve been worried mate. It’s been 24 hours since I saw you at the hospital. Your phone goes straight to voicemail. What the hell have you been doing?
“Want one?” I lift my coffee to Josh.
“Yeah, go on then.” I make Josh and I a fresh coffee and we both sit at the kitchen island.
“You need to snap out of this Damien. I know you’re blaming yourself but none of this was your fault and if it wasn’t for you, things would be a lot worse.”
I don’t say anything I just stare into my coffee. It is my fault. I could have prevented it.
“Bella’s awake and she’s asking for you.”
Those words constrict my chest. I want nothing more than to be by her side. Knowing she’s asking for me breaks my heart. But I cannot go. Not yet. I must stay away until I figure out what is going on in my head, until I am sure Bella is safe. I cannot put her at any more risk. Josh is right- I need to snap out of it. I need to get back to my old, controlled self.
Josh’s phone rings and he answers it with a question that catches my attention, bringing me out of my anger and self- pity. “What’s the situation?” He stands, his face serious as he listens. “We will be there as soon as we can. Keep us updated.”
“Get your kit, we are leaving,” says Josh as he looks around for his keys.
“What’s going on?!” I demand.
“There’s a fire at the hospital. Mike radioed in for back up. He’s been watching Bella. When the backup arrived at Bella’s room, the hall was filled with smoke, and Mike was unconscious on the floor. He’s been stabbed. Bella’s bed is empty. The hospital has been evacuated and they won’t let anyone other than the fire fighters in.”
This can’t be happening, am in a f**king nightmare?!
“Suck it the F**k up and let’s go save your girl!” Josh stares into my eyes and squeezes both my shoulders. It’s all the encouragement I need; adrenaline rushes through my body.
We get what we need from my office. Weapons, and fire equipment. I get another phone which is charged and I put my Sim card in. On the way down to the car I hear message after message arrive as my Sim registers in the phone. I’ve got my work head on now- it’s the only way I’ll get through this. We set off at speed, I take out my phone preparing myself for what’s about to come. I’ve numerous messages from Josh, Mike, Bella….. but I can’t read those- I need to stay focused.