Page 53 of Finding Comfort
Celia shook her head. He wouldn’t hear it from her. “He helped me again by giving me this job.”
“Have you thought about what you’ll do long term?” Blake asked. “I can understand if you want to stay with Trent as long as you can. He’s the only person even better at taking care of people than Malcolm is.”
“Yeah,” she said, toying with her sandwich but not picking it up. She didn’t regret having sex with him—she couldn’t—but it had changed things between them. He avoided touching her at all costs. She avoided coming out of her room in the mornings, and even if she had a nightmare, she stayed in her room at night.
He still left a smoothie out every morning and picked her up every night, but otherwise, they were perfect strangers. She guessed it was probably normal to feel awkward around someone she’d been naked with. None of the guys she’d previously slept with had hung around after they broke things off. Except for Daniel, who had thrown her lack of prowess into her face.
“Don’t just poke it. Eat,” Malcolm chided her as he filled some water glasses to take to the new table.
She lifted it and took a big bite.
Blake sat up straighter. “Things have been tough on him since Emily died. I think having you around to take care of has been good for him.”
Celia swallowed the food, feeling it slide down her throat. “I’m not so sure.” She reached for the water glass Malcolm had left for her, then took a long swallow.
Blake looked at her again, as if he was studying her. “True. Maybe you two are too alike. You’re almost as serious as he is.”
“Not everyone can be as carefree as you, Blake,” Malcolm said as he returned.
“That’s the sad truth. But admit it. Trent needs something lighter in his life. Like a fling.” Blake’s eyes slid to hers. “Or a friends-with-benefits thing. Nothing too serious.”
Celia got the hint and flushed. Not because she was offended, but because she couldn’t help but think about having sex with Trenton again.
“Trent’s not like you,” Malcolm repeated, setting a plate in front of Blake.
Blake dug in. “More’s the pity. He could really use a chance to loosen up. It’s been almost three years. Without sex! Even you don’t go that long.”
“Hey, I get around just fine, thank you,” Malcolm said, scowling to cover up his own red cheeks.
“You’re the king of ‘nothing too serious.’ And the girls don’t seem to get mad at you, unlike me. Maybe you should give Trent some pointers.” Blake grinned at her cousin as he took a huge bite of his sandwich.
Malcolm shook his head. “Trent’s a grown man and can make his own decisions. Leave him alone.” He glanced at her. “Besides, it’d be awkward for Celia if he started bringing women home.” The customers waved toward him and he moved away.
“Well, what do you think, Celia?” Blake asked, leaning closer to her. “After your breakup, you’re due for a rebound. You should think on this friends-with-benefits idea as well.” His smile was just a bit too knowing, Celia realized. “It couldn’t hurt. And who would be sweeter than dear old Trent?”
She’d been fighting thinking about sex all week. Every time she showered, thoughts of what Trenton had done to her under the stream of water returned. She ached just standing in there and wondered if he did as well.
Swallowing the last bite of her sandwich, she said, “I’ve got to get back to it.”
“Sure, run away,” Blake called after her retreating back.
“You’d know a thing or two about that, wouldn’t you?” Katie asked. Celia hadn’t even noticed Malcolm’s sister come in for her shift. She left the two of them to their banter and relieved Malcolm at the customer’s table.
Celia was glad it was a busy night. She had less time for thoughts of sex with Trenton to make her flush, though Katie had noticed her distraction and told her to snap to it more than once. Celia had never thought about sex much before. Good sex made a difference, apparently.
Closing up took longer than it did most nights. Trenton didn’t say anything about it as he sat patiently at the bar. She tried to apologize, but he just waved her off with that gentle smile and led her to the car when she was done, still so careful not to touch her. He’d been careful ever since their hands had brushed at the bar at the beginning of the week.
Celia stared out the window at the passing buildings. She always knew they were getting close when they passed that damn supermarket. Though it wasn’t fair to blame the awkwardness between her and Trenton on what had happened there.
She’d been doing better since Monday’s counseling session, and had attended twice more in the days since. The other newbie hadn’t been there. Celia hadn’t shared again, but hearing stories similar to her own, similar in emotion if not in circumstance, helped to ease some of her anxiety. Sure, she was crazy, but she was handling it. She’d gotten up and dressed every day. It had only been one bad day.
She still caught Malcolm studying her during her shifts sometimes. He was worried about her. As much as she appreciated it, she’d rather he didn’t have to.
Trenton parked, coming around and opening her door like he always did. He didn’t touch her as they walked to the elevator together.
Right before the elevator dinged, boisterous laughter sounded behind them, headed their way. For it being so late at night, she hadn’t expected to run into many other tenants in the condos.
“Hold the elevator!” one of the men called, slurring his words as they all lumbered toward it.