Page 80 of Finding Comfort
“I mean, I don’t think we should anymore, but I appreciate you showing me what it could be like.”
The idea that she appreciated it so that she could go find someone else to try it with made him clench his teeth.
“But I think I should be alone right now,” she continued. “The last few days pointed out how messed up I still am.”
“Celia…” Trenton turned to her, trying to find the words.
“Please, no platitudes.” She picked up the second cup of coffee, turning away from him. “I need to bring these to them.”
“Of course,” Trenton said. He didn’t immediately follow.
His mom was wrong. He didn’t know how to fix things.
Chapter 33
Katiewasasbigof a pain as Celia thought she would be. It wasn’t that she needed her help. It was that she tried to refuse it, despite being pale and weak. Celia tried to convince Malcolm to take her place, but he refused.
“If you’re going to stay around here, you have to figure out how to deal with each other.”
He’d even given her time off from her shifts. Time off she really didn’t want.
The only reprieve from Katie for Celia was the counseling sessions she went to. Besides the group ones, Celia had agreed to one-on-one therapy. She wasn’t sure it was helping, but she felt better for trying. The counselor had seemed relieved as well, as if Celia’s story had shaken her, though maybe Celia was projecting.
When Celia got home after her latest counseling session, Katie’s best friend was waiting for her.
“Where the hell were you?” Erin asked. Celia had always found the woman imposing, even as a teenager. Athletic, outspoken, and one of the guys, she was the opposite of Celia in every way. Plus, Erin was tall and built, with muscles that rivaled Malcolm’s.
“Is Katie all right?” Celia asked, hurrying past her cousin’s friend.
“I’m fine!” Katie called from the living room. “Stop ragging her, Erin. Celia and I have figured out what works best for us, and having her gone at times keeps us from killing each other.”
The phrase made Celia freeze.
“Damn, chick, are you really still so sensitive?” Erin asked, brushing past her. “That was, like, twenty years ago.”
“Erin!” Katie shouted, her worried gaze moving to Celia. “Look, I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking.”
“It’s fine,” Celia forced out.
Erin whirled back to her, stabbing her in the chest with her finger. “That! That right there was why Kay and I had such a hard time being friends with you back when we were kids. It’s like you want to be a victim. All doe-eyed, trembling lips, oh-take-care-of-me with Malcolm. Annoying as hell.”
A wave of shock moved through Celia, followed by the heat she’d felt the week before, when she’d gone to face Daniel. “I don’t want to be taken care of by anyone.”
“Well, you do a shitty job taking care of others. I thought you moved in here to help Kay out during her recovery, but when I stop by, I find her struggling to walk to the couch on her own. That pissed me off.”
The heat faded to a chill, as if it never was. “I’m sorry.” Celia moved around the livid blonde to peer at her cousin. “When I asked before I left, you said—”
“Oh, so it’s Kay’s fault, is it?” Erin asked with a scowl in Celia’s direction.
“Calm down, Erin. It is my fault.” Katie rubbed a hand over her forehead. “Celia always checks in before she leaves for her appointments. I just—” Katie paused, looking away. “I find it hard to let her help me after I’ve been mean all these years.”
Erin’s hands fell to her sides, and she moved closer to the couch. “Why didn’t you say so? I offered to stay with you for a while.”
Katie glared at her friend. “You’re so loud.”
Erin laughed, ruffling her friend’s hair. “Well, yeah.” She glanced over at Celia, waving her in. “Come on, sit. Sorry I hassled you. I thought you were slacking.”
Celia shook her head. “I don’t want to get in the way. I’ll just—”