Page 14 of The Only One
When we got back to the house, Ma was still prattling on about the mud cake, the brownies, and which one Jesus would appreciate more. She finally took a break to put away the food she’d brought home. Then she turned her attention to me.
“What did you do tonight?” she asked.
I reached into the fridge and got myself a bottle of water.
“Went to the gym,” I answered.
She gave me a once-over and scoffed.
“Why do you bother with the gym, Luke?” she wondered. “It’s not like you’ve got anyone to stay in shape for.”
“Do we really need to get into this right now?”
“I don’t think I’ve seen you date anyone seriously since… what was her name? The redhead with the accent. Maria, was it?”
“Marlene,” I answered.
“That was at least a year ago.”
I didn’t bother getting defensive. “Yeah, it was.”
“And you don’t seem to be getting back out there.”
“You know what?” I started, reaching the end of my patience. “This is the second time my dating life has come up tonight, and I’ve had it up to here. Why is everyone so obsessed with me and dating?”
“Because this isn’t normal,” she said. “You’re almost thirty."
“Nothing about my life is normal,” I retorted. “Normal would be me moving out and having girls over to my own place.”
She opened her mouth to speak but shut it quickly. Most mothers wanted their children to move out and live their own lives. But not Ramona Kane.
“Then you’ll be alone. Is that what you want?” I asked.
She met my eyes and I expected her to say no. Because she always said no.
“Maybe,” she said. “Maybe it’s not the worst idea in the world.”
What the fuck did that mean?
Ma went to bed,and I figured I’d call it a night, but I couldn’t sleep. I kept thinking about Laura and how excited she was to get that letter from Yale. She looked at that slip of paper like it held the key to her whole future. She looked so hopeful.
I envied her.
I remembered the day I got my letter from the Marines and showed it to my dad. He was the only one in the family who supported my decision, and he actually got tears in his eyes. His voice cracked as he told me he was proud of me. I’d remember that moment for the rest of my life.
I got up and opened the top drawer of my desk, seeing that very letter still sitting there after all these years. Part of me knew I should throw it out or burn it or something. But I couldn’t get rid of it.
This was getting out of hand. I needed to get out of here. Out of this house and out of my head before I started drowning in bad memories and self-destruction. I pulled out my phone and shot off a text to Elias.
Luke: You guys still out?
A minute later, he replied.
Elias: Still at Rook’s. But hurry up. It’s last call.
Luke: I’m on my way.
At the bar, I found Elias, Carter, and Kieran, as well as a few friends they’d made throughout the evening.