Page 20 of The Only One
“She seems to prefer Nutella now,” Maya replied.
I had to smile. This was definitely the perfect partner for my sister.
“You seem like a genuinely good woman, and I know my sister really loves you. So yeah. Yes. You, um, officially have my blessing.” I sealed the totally awkward conversation with a weirdall hailhand gesture and a little bow, which made Maya laugh.
“Thanks, Cindy. That means a lot to me.”
“Well, I’m happy to have you in the family,” I confirmed.
She smiled. She looked over toward the restrooms where my sister was and smiled even wider.
“How are you going to pop the question?” I asked.
“I host trivia at Rook’s on Tuesdays, and I’m going to rig the big question board to show my proposal between rounds.” She looked proud of herself. “Wait, do you think that’s too cheesy?”
“No. Not at all. I think she’ll love it.”
“Great. Bring her down to Rook’s in about an hour. And play it cool.”
“Sure. Wait, you’re doing this tonight?”
“It is Tuesday, Cindy,” Maya pointed out.
“Right. Wow. My little sister is getting engaged tonight.”
“Assuming she says yes.”
“She’ll say yes. I know it.”
Stephanieand I went back to our apartment to get ready for trivia night. I opened her closet to help her choose something to wear.
“What are you doing?” she asked, eyebrows raised. “I was just going to wear what I’ve already got on.”
“I know, but don’t you want something a little more special?”
“Why? It’s just the bar.”
I rifled through her closet, which was organized by clothing type, then designer, then color.
“I know. I just think you need a little something more,” I told her. I tried to keep my voice even and the smile off my face, but she saw right through me. Her face lit up and her eyes went wide with delight.
“Something’s happening tonight, isn’t it?” she wondered, clapping. “Is Maya…” She raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips. I knew exactly what she was implying.
“No,” I blurted out quickly.
“She’s going to ask me to marry her,” Stephanie practically squealed. “Oh my God. How is she going to do it? No, wait, don’t tell me. Yes, tell me. No.”
“She’s not doing what you think. Just put on a dress or something and brush your hair,” I said, looking at the floor, kicking myself for blabbing.
I filed through her clothes, having no idea what I was looking for when I saw it. The red dress.Myred dress. The one I’d worn to the diner that night with Luke. I held on to it gingerly, convinced it would still smell like the inside of the diner. Like it was full of memories.
“I loved that dress,” Stephanie said.
“Me too.”
“I think I’m going to wear something more subtle. I don’t want Maya to know that you spilled the beans on her proposal. But you should wear it,” she suggested.