Page 44 of The Only One
“You gonna write me a ticket or not?” Luke asked, cutting right to the chase. “I’m not really looking for a reunion right now.”
“Don’t get your panties in a bunch. I’m going to let you off with a warning this time,” Andy told us.
“Um, s-sure,” I mumbled.
“I’m gonna tell Ronan O’Leary he owes me ten bucks.”
Andy, er, Officer Hauserman, nodded and went back to his patrol car.
Finally alone, Luke rolled up the window again. He looked over at me, his lips still puffy from kissing. But we both knew the moment had passed. He put the truck back in drive and we headed back toward the house. Neither of us said anything until we were nearly home.
“Maybe we should cool things down,” he started.
“I just mean we’ve got a history. There was a lot of buildup to this moment.”
“I know,” I assured him.
“I just don’t think we should put any pressure on ourselves to…”
“I said I got it, Luke. I do. That was too much too fast. We should take a step back.”
He nodded, so I did too. I could feel the walls between us coming back up.
We went inside the house and upstairs to our rooms. Separately.
“Um, sleep tight,” Luke said.
“You too.”
I shut the door behind me and undressed before getting into bed and turning out the light.
“Sleep. Yeah, right,” I muttered to myself.
I lay there in bed wondering. Had I done the right thing? Was I the biggest idiot in the world? Cindy and I could have had sex tonight, and the sex would have been out of this world. Cindy devoured my mouth and sucked on my tongue and took what she needed from me. I wasn’t going to have to be gentle or hold back.
But seeing Andy Hauserman knocking at my window reminded me that there were consequences to sleeping with Cindy. We had a history. And if we dated, we’d eventually break up, like every relationship I’d ever had in the past. I couldn’t do that to Cindy. I was determined to keep her in my life and that meant keeping my hands off her.
I shifted on the mattress, proud of myself. I did the right thing.
Now if only my body could get on board. I reached down to palm my aching dick and relieve some of the tension, but all it did was make me remember Cindy straddling my lap and grinding down on me. Fuck, that was the filthiest kiss I’d ever had; a fresh wave of lust coursed through me. I imagined pinning Cindy down and returning it tenfold.
Sex with Cindy was going to be a battle. She’d score my back with her fingernails. I’d brace her arms over her head. She’d wrap her legs around my hips and take me deep. I’d thrust into her hard and make her cry out my name as I took her over the edge.
I tried to keep the noise to a minimum as I fucked my fist, coming all over my hand and stomach. My body felt drained and boneless, but my mind was going a mile a minute. Sleep wasn’t going to happen. If anything, I was more keyed up than before, and the only person who could do anything about it was so close and yet totally off limits.
This was fucking torture.
The next morning,I found Cindy in the kitchen sipping a cup of coffee. She poured me one too when she saw me.
“Thank you,” I said.
“No problem.”