Page 69 of The Only One
“In a month,” I told them. “Can you believe it?”
“That’s really fucking soon.” Carter chuckled.
Luke, however, didn’t seem to share his brother’s amusement. He scowled and looked down at his drink.
“Luke? Everything okay?” I asked.
“Yeah. It’s just really fucking soon.”
One month? It wastoofucking soon.
“I mean, I know it’s going to mean a lot of work and quick planning, but I think they can do it,” Cindy stated, likethatwas the problem.
I couldn’t have given two shits about the wedding. But Cindy was only staying in town until then, so one month until the wedding meant only one more month with her.
“Luke?” Cindy asked. “You still here?”
I’d stopped paying attention. I shook some sense into myself. “I’m here. Sorry. Good for them.”
“I think so. I’m excited.”
The rest of our trivia team quickly arrived. Elias showed up with Kieran and his younger sister, Sarah, who I sort of remembered from the last time she was in town. Sarah had a reputation as a wild child and her short pink hair and collection of tattoos suggested nothing had changed. What I couldn’t get over, however, were the suspicious looks that Kieran kept shooting toward Elias. But that was drama for another day. Steph and Maya followed soon after, and Maya had a couple pitchers of beers sent over before taking her place as trivia host.
“Hey there, everybody. You might know me as Maya Leeds most nights, but it’s Trivia Tuesday here at Rooks, so that makes me Trivia Master Maya,” she said, really hamming it up for the crowd. “Our first round will begin in a few short minutes, but before it does, I want to make an announcement.”
Maya shot a gooey-happy smile at our table as she spoke to the room.
“As you may know, just a few weeks ago, I got engaged to this gorgeous lady at table seven. And today, we set our wedding date,” she told the crowd. As expected, she was greeted by choruses ofawwandhow sweet. “So in the spirit of love and everything, I think tonight should be couples’ night.”
A few of the actual couples in the room were excited about this proposition, but the larger trivia teams looked anxious.
“So, everybody pair off,” Maya ordered.
I looked at our odd-numbered team, wondering how we planned on doing this.
“I want the bride-to-be,” Carter declared, taking Steph’s hand like he’d just chosen her for dodgeball. “She’s like the teacher’s pet who knows all the questions before the exam.”
Sarah took Elias by the hand and leaned in so close I thought she might try to kiss him. Elias blushed and I couldn’t tell if he was embarrassed, turned on, or afraid of Kieran. But Sarah’s sassy smile made it clear she wasn’t letting go of her new friend.
“I’m taking Elias, and there’s nothing you can do about it, big brother,” she informed him.
Elias shrugged. Kieran gritted his teeth before looking over at his remaining two teammate options. Cindy and me.
“I’ll take my chances with a stranger,” he said with an eye roll.
I met Cindy’s eyes and she stared back at me, full of determination and desire to win. Between my wealth of useless factoids and Cindy’s competitive spirit, no one else stood a chance.
“Ready, Kane?” she asked.
“You’ve got that junior year field hockey championship energy right now.”
“Oh, I’m ready for this. These losers are going down.”
“Let’s give them hell,” I told her. “If I’ve only got one more month with you, we’ve got to make it count.”