Page 71 of The Only One
A few people laughed. Carter and Stephanie shrugged. Cindy remained steadfast and cool, except for a little knowing smirk that told me she’d aced it.
“So with the scores tallied, we’ve had quite a few upsets,” Maya announced. “Our third place team is…Prima Nocta.In second is…Die, Die, My Darling.And in first place, the only team who can seemingly navigate their way out of Blue Creek…Rabbits with Machetes.”
“Fuck yeah,” Cindy said.
We stood up and she wrapped her arms around me. She laughed as she tightened her grip on me. I smiled. I smelled cherries.
“Get up here, Rabbits, and claim your prize,” Maya told us.
“There’s a prize?” I wondered.
“Yes, there is. As you might know, if you own a calendar, Saturday is Valentine’s Day, and you’ve won a romantic dinner for two at the Village Square,” she continued, coming over to our table. Maya presented me with the gift card.
“You can take it,” I told her. “You won the thing for us.”
“No, you should have it. I don’t have anyone to go with,” she protested.
“You could take Andy.”
She cocked an eyebrow. “A romantic dinner for two with… Andy.”
I shrugged.
“We could maybe go as friends,” she suggested.
“Have you ever been to the Village Square? That’s not the kind of place you take a friend.”
“Well, then maybe we should give it to Steph and Maya or…”
One month. She’s leaving in one fucking month.
“Or we could go on a date?” I blurted.
I blinked a few times, not totally sure where that came from.
“A date?”
“Is it really that ridiculous?” I asked. “I mean…”
“We’re trying to be friends, Luke.”
“We’ve only got a month till the wedding. And I know you’re fixing to get out of Blue Creek and move on to bigger and better things. Like Paris. Or Rome…”
“Are those the only two world capitals you can name?” Cindy teased.
“Don’t change the subject,” I insisted.
“Luke, I don’t know.”
“It’s just one date. And if it sucks, we can pretend it never happened.”
“It won’t suck.”
“Is that a yes?” I asked.
I forced her to meet my eyes as I waited for an answer. She looked conflicted.
“Okay,” she finally said.