Page 15 of Daddy's Next Door
It took Dominic finally getting bossy with me to force me to give in to my exhaustion. Even then, I was only willing to pass out when I was on his chest, spread out across him with a limb over Barrett and Holden.
Before I fell asleep, I spoke without thought. “I’ve never felt cherished before. Dad was too busy and Mom had her own life to take care of. My boyfriends were all shit, I know that now. I know this ends here, but I know what I want now. Thank you for that.”
Ahornhonkedsomewhereclose by and I winced against the sound. I had a moment of confusion because I wasn’t at my apartment anymore. I sat up, expecting to see my room in Dad’s house. Instead I was smacked in the face with reality as I spotted the three naked men around me.
Everything came crashing back to me, along with the throbbing of a massive headache. My actions, my words, my desperation with the men around me had me climbing to my feet as fast as humanly possible.
My body was sore in places that I couldn’t stop to think about right then. I clutched at my head as I fought to get back into my dress from the night before. I was still wearing my heels, which was even more embarrassing. I searched for my panties, but when one of the guys moved I gave up. Grabbing my clutch, I hurried to the door out of there. I only stopped to look back once I had the door unlocked.
Dominic was asleep on his back with his hands behind his head. His shaft was impressive, even soft. Holden was on his stomach with his head tucked into the crook of his elbow. His ass was the same olive as the rest of his body and just as beautiful. Barrett was spread out in every direction, a starfish of a man. He was hard and standing tall, though. The sight was almost tempting enough to make me hurry back to their sides, but another horn sounded from outside and jarred me out of my lust.
I pushed open the door and closed it behind me before sprinting down the street. I knew what I looked like and I was just old enough to be incredibly embarrassed by it. I said a silent thanks for all the times I’d sprinted across campus in heels to avoid being late.
I didn’t stop running until I was four blocks away and tucked into the bathroom of a small coffee shop. While peeing, I ordered a car and held my head in my hands.
“Dammit, SJ…”
I squeezed my eyes shut and pinched the bridge of my nose. In the light of day, all of my bravado was gone and all I had left was the repeating idea that I’d fucked Sammy’s dad.
Even as I thought about how stupid I’d been, my body responded to the idea. I stared down at my crotch and scowled. I’d never had to chastise my own vagina before, but I was seconds away from researching chastity belts.
Wiping was a feat of soreness and bodily fluids that I refused to think about. When I was done, I washed my hands and then saw that my car was outside. I rushed out to it and climbed in the back seat, thankful to see that a woman was driving.
She did a double take and then turned to face me. “Honey…you okay?”
I pulled my hands down my face and saw residual mascara on my fingertips. “Um. Define okay.”
She put the car in drive and faced the road while glancing at me in the rearview mirror every so often. “Well, I don’t want to alarm you, but you look like you might’ve been attacked by a bear last night.”
“God. I purposefully didn’t look in a mirror. Is it bad?”
“Define bad.”
I shook my head and then fell over in the back seat. “I did a really dumb thing.”
“Call me Sandy. And it can’t be worse than the time I remarried my ex-husband. Twice.”
I sat back up. “He must’ve been great in bed. I learned last night that men who are great in bed are like brain blockers.”
She grinned. “He was.”
“Sandy, I slept with my best friend’s father last night.” I saw her mouth fall open from the side and groaned. “I know! That’s not even all, but I can’t even say the rest because there are churches nearby. I’m going to hell. Worse, I’m going to hell friendless.”
Sandy cleared her throat after a second and laughed. “Sorry. I just didn’t expect that. Your best friend’s dad, huh? Silver fox?”
I groaned again. “You have no idea.”
“It was clearly good. Did he kick you out this morning?”
“No. I snuck out while he was still sleeping. I panicked. In the light of day, I’m not the girl who can stare into her best friend’s father’s eyes while sucking his—” I froze. “I am so sorry. I’ve lost my mind.”
Giving a big laugh, Sandy shook her head. “No, feel free to tell me all the gory details. I’m divorced from the ex again currently, so there’s no good sex happening.”
“I did it all, Sandy.” I sank back into the seat. “I gave up my last virginity, if you know what I mean.”