Page 23 of Daddy's Next Door
Logan: I know the place. I’ll meet you at the entrance and we can go from there. Sound good? Noon?
Me: Sounds good. I’ll confirm the time after I figure out everything tomorrow.
I read over the messages on the dating app while gaining the confidence to walk inside the building that held my new job. My new job, and the three men I’d slept with. I’d already looked through the rest of my social media and messages while bidding my time. The messages with Logan were a last resort.
An ex who’d ended up being a jerk, Logan wasn’t going to win any awards for being my favorite person anytime soon, but while I stood there, desperate for a distraction, I was happy he’d reached out to me. Part of me wanted to message him back and cancel the lunch date, but I couldn’t focus enough on my worries about Logan when the Rotayno offices loomed over me.
I shut my phone off and put it away. It was time. If I waited any longer, I was going to risk being merely on time. Taking a deep, grounding breath, I blew it out and walked into the larger-than-life lobby. It was hard not to feel like I was facing down something huge when I could look up for at least five stories at a crystal clear glass ceiling.
Rotayno existed in the top three floors of a huge building in downtown DC. The lower floors held a law office, an accounting firm, and a suspicious-looking production company. Rotayno had somehow managed to get their own elevator, though, so once I got through security and made it to the elevator, I was around other employees that I’d possibly be working near.
My nerves got the best of me, though, and I didn’t speak up. I kept telling myself to say hello, but by the time I got up the nerve to say anything, the doors opened and everyone filed out on the ninth floor. I had to go up to the eleventh, so I rode the last little bit alone.
I stared at my reflection in the mirrored wall and adjusted my dress. It was a mock fifties swing dress with puffed sleeves. The black and white dress paired with my black pumps and thigh-high stockings made me feel sexy while still managing to look professional. My hair was in a sleek bun on top of my head and my bangs were perfectly in place. I looked ready to take on the world. I felt ready to throw up.
I ran my hands over the full skirt of my dress and bent to make sure the seams that ran up the back of my tights were in place. I was put together. Makeup, hair, jewelry—everything was right. I just couldn’t help feeling like I was about to make a giant fool of myself. I didn’t know what I was doing. I was clueless and all I could do was write about it in a humorous way.
By the time the doors opened, I’d convinced myself that I was a giant idiot who didn’t deserve to ever work, at all. I was betting on tripping and flashing my lucky panties to the office within the first five minutes. I was sure I’d at least vomit in front of everyone. While making the gross sounds that you made when you threw up alone in your bathroom and prayed no one ever heard them. Ever.
Barrett was standing in front of the elevator, waiting on me. His smile slipped slightly as he ran his eyes down my body and back up, but it was so subtle I could’ve convinced myself I’d imagined it, if I wasn’t already freaking out.
As it was, I was too far gone. “This isn’t right, is it? I’m sorry. Is it me or the outfit? This is what I typically wear. I got the vintage thing from my mom and Grandma, but maybe it doesn’t fit the office environment. I should’ve asked. I’ll go.”
His smile widened. “You’re fine, Sugar. I like it. It’s just different from the last two times I’ve seen you.”
I gripped my clutch like a lifeline. “The last time I went on a date dressed like this, the guy thought I was playing dress up. It was a long time ago, but still. I learned my lesson after he kept telling me to go make him a sandwich. That’s why I wasn’t like this that…night. Anyway.”
“Come on. Let me show you around. Maybe that’ll help you relax a little. You look like you’re going to leap out of a window at any moment.”
I nodded. “I’m considering my options.”
Laughing, Barrett gestured to the large front desk behind him. “We’ll start here. Normally, there’s a woman named Cindy here. She’s coming in late today, but you’ll meet her later. She runs this place. If you need anything, ask her. Even snacks. She keeps the best snacks at her desk so we have to come talk to her to get them.”
“Smart woman.”
I took in the open and airy office space around us and finally breathed out a little easier. Windows covered most of the walls, but plush couches and chairs filled the space in front of them and the lighting was somehow soft and relaxing. I’d expected the industrial lighting with the white tile ceiling. Instead, I found myself surrounded by art and the smell of freshly clean linen and apples.
“Cindy has worked in offices for over fifty years. She says she’ll never retire and I’m praying, selfishly, that she’s being serious. This office was gross before she came along. We were just three guys trying to make stuff happen outside of the office. It never occurred to us to make this place so nice. When Cindy walked in, she screamed.”
I laughed and shook my head. “No, she didn’t.”
“Yes, she did. She screamed and then she walked out. We had to offer her double her salary and give her the freedom to do whatever she wanted. That was almost a decade ago now. She’s the reason we managed to grow so fast.” Barrett tapped the desk and then looked me over again. “She’ll love you.”
I walked farther into the office to keep him from seeing the blush on my cheeks. “I can’t wait to meet her.”
“Down this hallway.” Barrett gently touched my back, leading me along, and sending a shiver down my spine. “This is the marketing and executive floor. We had to combine the two because I refused to work under Dominic. His head is big enough as it is. This side is marketing. At the very end is my office. My door is always open to you. I’ll introduce you to everyone slowly, so you’re not overwhelmed.”
I tried to count how many offices were between where I stood and Barrett’s office, but I didn’t have time before he led me in another direction.
“Here’s the break room. Dead in the middle so we don’t fight. Cindy’s doing.” Barrett moved along. “Conference rooms. Bathrooms. And this hallway holds the holier-than-thou types.”
I made a face. “Pretty sure you’re not supposed to refer to them as that.”
He grinned and started walking me down the wide hallway. “I get to call them whatever I want. I own a third of the place. So, you have all kinds of big talking heads here. We’ll meet everyone at the morning meeting in half an hour. Right now, I’m going to show you Dominic’s office.”
I nodded along and followed him to the very end of the hallway. A massive set of double doors sat closed with a small gold nameplate beside them. I moved over and ran my finger over it. “Dominic Rose, CEO. Fancy.”
He pushed open one of the doors and winked at me. “You know Dom. He’s got to leave his mark on things.”