Page 26 of Daddy's Next Door
“So, I need to apologize.” Logan had to shift to let someone move by and he ended up pressed against my side. “About high school.”
I wanted to scream. Between the sounds around us, the city smells, and my hunger, I was feeling overstimulated. I wanted to tell Logan to just wait until we were sitting down to move into the heavy stuff, but he was determined.
“I was an asshole. I thought I knew everything and I didn’t. I wasn’t always nice to you and I’m sorry for that, SJ.”
I barely resisted the urge to snort. He’d never been nice to me. “Thank you for apologizing.”
“I’m ashamed of how I acted. I’m honestly surprised you answered my message.” He shifted closer again and then grunted. “Hey, man, I’m standing here.”
“Oops. Totally sorry.”
I went still as Holden’s voice filled my already-buzzing head. Glancing back, I saw that the three of them were in line behind us. Holden, Barrett, and Dominic, all standing in line for a grilled cheese like it was the most normal thing in the world. I turned to face the front of the truck again and fumed.
“Anyway. Like I was saying, I’m ashamed of myself for treating you the way I did. You deserved better. You were a good girl.” Logan had no idea just how much he was embarrassing me in that moment. He continued on with his apology tour. “I’ve thought of you a lot over the years and I’ve never felt right about the way things ended.”
I squeezed my eyes shut. “It’s fine, Logan. There’s no need to go into it.”
“No, I think there is. I need you to know just how sorry I am for what I did. You need to hear the words.”
“No, I really don’t.”
“I took your virginity outside of a Tasty Freeze and then dumped you for Stacey Mulligan. That was so shitty of me.” Logan put his hand on my shoulder. “All the other stuff was bad, too.”
I bit my lip, torn between leaving that embarrassing information hanging out there or setting him straight. In the end, I decided I couldn’t just let myself sound like such a fool. “Logan. I wasn’t a virgin.”
I stepped forward with the line and glanced back at him. “I wasn’t a virgin. You didn’t take my virginity outside of a Tasty Freeze. You did cheat on me multiple times, treat me like shit, and then dump me when I finally decided that maybe letting you fuck me would make you more tolerable.”
A snicker came from directly behind Logan and I crossed my arms under my chest. I was going to murder Holden. Right after I punched Logan in the throat and quit my brand-new job.
“But you wouldn’t sleep with me,” Logan stammered. “We’d been together for almost a year.”
“Yeah, and I wasn’t ready that entire time.”
“Who did you lose it to?”
I laughed and shook my head. “I’m not telling you that.”
“Damn. I really thought I knew the story all along.” Logan was quiet for a while and then he laughed. “Good for you.”
I glanced back at him. “Good for me?”
“I’m glad you didn’t lose it to an asshole like me.” He grinned and shrugged. “I feel a lot better, actually. Don’t get me wrong. I’m still sorry for everything else I did. I’m just glad I didn’t ruin sex for you or anything.”
A full-out laugh came from behind Logan that time and when Logan turned to look at Holden, I could see all three of them grinning like the cats who ate the canary. Asses.
“Line’s moving!” The shout from a hangry person farther back in the line saved me from an awkward confrontation.
I turned around and faced the front of the line, refusing to look back. Logan could talk to the back of my head. The guys could take a hike.
“I’mgladwedidthis. This was fun.” Apparently, realizing he hadn’t ruined sex for me had really lifted a weight off of Logan. He was in a great mood. “It’s hard to make new friends after leaving school. Or is that just me?”
I had to focus harder than ever to form coherent sentences. The three stooges had sat across from us and were watching us. I’d nearly choked on my grilled cheese multiple times because the feel of their eyes on me was doing things to me that I didn’t appreciate. “It’s not just you.”