Page 31 of Daddy's Next Door
I kept my head down as I walked to the elevators and waited. I needed Grandma. She could talk shit with the best of them and I needed to hear her tell me that I wasn’t terrible. She’d make it better. The way she always did. The way Mom had before she’d passed. Then I’d be okay.
Grandmastrokedmybackwhere I was flopped down on her bed. “Some men wait until the moment you leave to grow up and become the man you wanted all along. It’s infuriating.”
I’d already told her everything and cried out my feelings. The upset wouldn’t fade, though. “The thing is, I didn’t leave, Grandma. He dumped me and kicked me out. He decided he wanted to change, but not with me. Now that I’m away from him, I’m glad it didn’t work out, but I don’t understand why I wasn’t good enough for him.”
“It has nothing to do with you, sweetheart. At all.” She combed my bangs out of my face and smiled down at me. “You’re more than good enough. For anyone. That little asshole took enough from you. You’re not going to let him take anything else. Do you understand?”
I threw my arm over my eyes and groaned. “Fine.”
“Just be glad it’s not you in that off-white dress, marrying a man who wore Superman socks to his wedding. Got me?”
I grinned and then full-out laughed. “Got you.”
“Now, get out of here. I’ve got a video call with a man down in Key West later. He’s at a retirement community where there are no single women.” She wagged her brows at me. “You know what that means.”
I flew off of her bed and did a full body shudder. “Grandma, no.”
She nodded and shimmied. “Grandma,yes.”
“Just make sure he’s not recording whatever you do. I’d hate to have to see you on Pornhub later.” I saw the confusion on her face and grimaced. “Do not look that up. Just…forget I said anything. I love you.”
“Hub, like hubcap?”
I hurried downstairs and out the door at the side of the garage without answering. Glancing back up at her apartment, I shivered at the idea of her looking up things to watch with her video caller.
I jumped and spun around to find Holden leaning against the side of a vintage car at the end of the driveway. His phone in hand, he looked as relaxed as anyone ever had. In a loose linen shirt that was unbuttoned and hanging open over slouchy pants sitting low on his hips, he looked like he was about to go surfing. With his hair shoved back from his face and both dimples on full display, he was a sight. Enough of one to make me forget about Jason and his new wife.
“I was typing out a text, but here you are.” He straightened and moved up the driveway. “Hi.”
I bit my lip to keep from grinning like an idiot. His dimples got me. It was impossible to hold on to negativity when he flashed those weapons of mass distraction. “Hey. Here I am.”
He didn’t stop until he was standing right in front of me. “Heard you had a shit day. After that disaster of a lunch date.”
I stared up at him, never letting those dimples get too far out of my sight. “I did.”
“I could maybe make it a little better.” He reached out and pushed a stray piece of hair behind my ear. “What would you say if I told you I had reservations for The Brownstone at seven?”
My heart thumped harder. “You’re not serious.”
“I wouldn’t tease you like that. In other ways? Gladly. About food? Never.” He looked me over and shook his head. “Wear this?”
I rolled my eyes and pushed him away. “To The Brownstone? No way. I have something more appropriate. Are you sure you want to waste a reservation to one of the most desirable restaurants in the city on me?”
“I’m choosing to ignore that. I’ll pick you up in an hour.” He leaned in and kissed my cheek. “At least keep the tights on for me? I know the rules. No funny business. Standing behind you in line today and staring at the seam of these tights made me find religion, Sugar.”
I laughed and covered my cheeks. “Go!”
He slowly backed away. “Please?”
“Fine! Just go, you nut.”
“I’ll see you soon, Sugar.” He winked and flashed a bright smile before getting into his car and driving away.