Page 44 of Daddy's Next Door
Her words were cut off when I lifted her legs higher and planted my foot next to her on the bed so I could deliver powerful strokes into her tight body. I wanted to drill my mark into her. I was a monster when it came to Sugar. I wanted to leave her ruined and coming back again and again.
Her body bounced in time with my thrusting and when I worked my thumb between her thighs and settled it over her clit, she gripped my thigh and left her own mark as she came hard again.
“Barr! Fuck me! Yes!” She tossed her head back and forth as her body vibrated under mine. Her orgasm stretched into another as I kept plowing into her.
One powerful twitch sent her rolling sideways. I followed her and settled my weight over her ass as I kept fucking her hard. Driving her hips into the bed, I could feel her pussy dance with pleasure at each stroke. Dropping my head to taste the light sheen of sweat on her spine, I reached one hand under her to cup her breast.
Sugar spread her thighs as much as possible and ripped at the bedding as I took her hard. Her moans and screams of pleasure grew frenzied as I pushed her harder and drew closer to my own release. “Come in me, please, Barr! I want you in me!”
My hand landed firmly on her ass of its own accord. I watched her skin blossom pink and heard her moans, the way her voice pitched even higher. “You’re a dirty girl, Sugar.”
When I slapped her perfect ass again, she went off like a bomb. Her pussy clamped down on my dick and I shouted as my own release was stolen from me. Her body sucked my orgasm out of me and I buried myself deep to unload my seed inside her.
I wasn’t sure how long it lasted, but when I finally collapsed next to Sugar and pulled her into my arms, I was depleted. I kissed her neck and hair, whatever I could reach. “My good girl. So fucking good.”
She purred happily in my arms, and I was almost able to convince myself that she’d still be there when I woke up.
“SJ,youstupid,stupidskank.” I slipped out of Barrett’s house, not unlike how I’d done when I was young and too shy to ask Sam’s handsome dad for a ride home. I hurried down his driveway and toward my own momentary home. “You had one job. One small, tiny job. Don’t screw your bosses. Or, you know, don’t screw your best friend’s dad. You failed at both!”
A car drove past me and I offered a jerky wave as I slipped my foot into my heel. I couldn’t be bothered to pay attention to the car, or anything else, because I was busy going back and forth between hating myself for not staying away from Barrett and wanting to crawl back into his bed and take his impressive length back into my mouth.
I stopped walking and slapped my hand to my forehead. “What is wrong with you?”
Barrett had given me every chance to walk away. He’d been willing to stop in the middle of rolling around in his bed to let me leave, but I’d basically demanded to be fucked. I’d gone down on him like a porn star, all while begging him to come inside me. I was giving professionals a run for their money, all because I had no control over my lady libido.
With Holden, I hadn’t felt guilty. When Dominic bent me over his desk, I didn’t feel guilty. I felt like a weak liar for making an entire speech about there not being any funny business, but I didn’t feelguilty.
Walking on the sidewalk with my best friend’s father’s semen inside me? Yeah, that was another level of guilty. I wanted to punch myself, but I also wanted to get back in his bed. It didn’t make sense.
Despite having just come multiple times, I still felt too aware of my body. My nipples against my bra, the slight ache between my thighs, the way my lips felt swollen from kissing Barrett, it was all enough to drive me insane. I stopped walking and just stood there, trying to figure out the right thing to do.
That wasn’t exactly it, though. Iknewthe right thing to do. That would be staying the hell away from the sexy older men who seemed as obsessed with me as I was with them. I needed to pack up my room, get into my car, and drive somewhere far away. I needed to have Dad put a lock on my bedroom door, like I was some kind of moon-activated monster, so I couldn’t run right back into the arms of the man I needed to avoid.
I braced my hands on my hips and groaned as Barrett’s voice played on a loop in my head, telling me he’d find me. It sent chills down my spine in the best way. It activated a part of my brain that I’d never known before sleeping with my three men.
A part of me wanted to hide, just to see what he’d do when he found me. That part of me wondered if he’d take me hard when he got his hands on me again. Would he spank me? Would he leave the punishments to Dominic? It was wrong, but I wanted to challenge them to show me their darkest sides. I wanted them to unleash mine.
Slapping my forehead again, I swore loudly. So loudly that a woman jogging by on the other side of the street shot me a dirty look.
Forcing my feet to move again, I trudged toward home and was almost there when I heard my phone ping with a notification. I grabbed at it, wondering if it was Barrett, already awake and annoyed at me. When I saw that it was Logan, I felt deflated.
Logan:Hey, I have some time off tonight. Want to catch dinner? I have reservations at this place just south of your neighborhood. My buddies were supposed to come with me, but they canceled. Who knew that I wasn’t as cool as front row seats to a game?
I thought of my blog and the amount of places I’d been going lately, only to get no work done because I was too distracted by the men.
Me: Would it be okay if it was a working dinner just as friends? I’m doing restaurant reviews, like I mentioned, and I could always use more content. If that doesn’t sound fun, that’s okay. I get it.
Logan: A working dinner with a real-life food reviewer? How could I pass that up? You’re at your dad’s right? I can pick you up in an hour.
Me: Yep, at Dad’s. An hour sounds good. See you then.
I blew out a deep breath and ran my hands through my hair. There. I would be working, and that would keep my mind somewhat busy. Plus, I was being a normal person, going out with a friend. I needed normal.
I was almost home when my phone rang and I froze when I saw it was Sam calling me back from earlier in the day. Instead of answering it, I completed my resume as the world’s worst friend and shoved the phone back in my clutch. I couldn’t talk to her. Not when I was in the state I was in. I at least had to shower and wash away some of the evidence first.