Page 49 of Daddy's Next Door
Suddenly exhausted, I got up and turned the lights off before pulling my shirt over my head and pushing my pants off. Sugar’s happy gasp when I crawled under the covers next to her pleased every part of me. “Sleep now. Talk tomorrow.”
She wiggled her ass right up against me and held the arm I slung over her waist. “I’m not tired.”
I smiled into her hair. The ponytail had come out and her damp hair tickled my face, but I welcomed it. “Liar.”
She sighed. “Sir.”
I kissed the back of her neck and arched my hips slightly away from her body so my dick didn’t stab her. “Pet.”
She shivered. “Tomorrow…”
I took a handful of her breast and growled happily. Besides the night we’d spent on the floor in the new building, I hadn’t been able to sleep next to anyone in years. I was okay with a mostly sleepless night if it meant I could hold Sugar, but after a while, her breathing evened out and something about her light snoring put me right to sleep.
And hours later, it was a different sensation coming from her mouth that woke me up.
I’dneverwokenanyoneup with oral before, but I’d never done most of the things that I was being introduced to these days and I loved all of them.
I’d been woken up by Dominic’s erection digging between my thighs like a heat-seeking missile. He was still sound asleep, but as I lay next to him, thinking about the night before and the things he’d told me, I couldn’t help wanting to show him that I wasn’t some virgin he was leading to a sacrifice. So, I’d yanked the shirt I was wearing over my head and crawled under the blankets.
I’d worked so hard to move gently and silently, to not wake him up, but the first moment I lowered my mouth over him a loud moan filled the bedroom and the covers were thrown back. I met Dominic’s dark, sleep-filled eyes and lowered my head as far as I could go. I only managed one full stroke before he grabbed me under the arms and dragged me up the bed.
He pinned me under him, on my stomach, and growled into my ear. “Look who woke up hungry. You forgot something, though, pet. You’re not the boss here.”
I wiggled under his weight, beyond turned on. “You started it. You were poking me all night and I’m only so strong, Sir. What’s a girl to do?”
He laughed into my neck before sucking my skin into his mouth. His thighs spread out on either side of my hips and he bucked against me then, driving his hard length against my ass. “She’s supposed to be a good pet and wait for me to wake up. It seems like she’s having trouble remembering that she’s not in control, though. Do you think she needs some help remembering?”
I moaned and tried to lift my hips so maybe he would push inside me. “Probably a few orgasms would do it.”
He ground his dick into my ass and continued licking and biting my neck and shoulders. The friction on my clit as it was brushed against the bed with every thrust was almost enough to make me come, but as soon as I was close, Dominic’s weight vanished from my back. I rolled over and stared after him as he walked into his closet, naked as the day he was born.
“Um. Hello?” I fell back into the pillows and sighed. “This man is going to kill me.”
“Hardly, Sugar.” Dominic walked out of the closet holding a box in his hand, his dick standing straight up, leading the way back to me. “Sit up, pet.”
I did as he said. “Whythatname? Why not sub? Or slut? Or whatever else people use?”
He raised an eyebrow at me. “You want to be called slut?”
I shook my head hard. “Not at all.”
“Didn’t think so.” He knelt on the bed, his secretive box resting next to his leg. “I like pet because it does a few things at once.”
I watched him closely as he stroked his cock once and then pulled a long black piece of material from the box. “What does it do?”
He ran the material over his hands and crooked his finger at me, beckoning me closer. “One, it establishes who’s in charge. The pet isn’t in charge, is she, Sugar?”
I swallowed and shook my head. “No, Sir.”
“The pet follows the rules she’s been given and she’s rewarded when she does well. She’s also punished when she does something bad.” Dominic moved closer. “The pet is owned, cared for, cherished, and given a very, very good life.”