Page 52 of Daddy's Next Door
My body felt more like his than mine as it rose to his demand. My walls milked the last of his come from him as I came hard one last time. I felt like one giant bundle of nerves as Dominic stroked my body and pressed kisses over every part of it he could reach.
I would’ve collapsed, but I was already flat on my stomach. I did drop my head to the bed and suck in much needed breaths as I continued to shake and feel the powerful afterquakes of my orgasms.
All the while, Dominic was right there, telling me how good I was and how much he wanted to take care of me. He called me his pet and when I smiled at the name, he stroked my neck and growled so low it was almost a purr. Exhausted and content, I fell asleep still tied to his bed, not a care in the world.
“Ireadtheblogfrom earlier. It’s great.” I ran my eyes over Sugar as she shifted for about the hundredth time in her chair and chewed on her pen. “The socials are almost all ready to be turned over to you.”
She flashed a brilliant smile at me. “You read it? Already?”
I nodded. “Yeah. I love your writing. I’m hooked and I have notifications set. Give me what I want, or I’m going to turn into one of those people who post rude comments, demanding more content.”
She laughed and then went quiet again. She stared down at her notebook for a while longer and then looked up at me. “You would never be rude.”
I sat back in my chair and raised my brows at her. “Sugar. Come here.”
Her cheeks darkened but she came to stand next to me. “Yes?”
“If you’re upset about this morning, you can talk about it.” I caught her hand and brought her fingertips to my lips. “Dominic’s office soundproofing didn’t do a lot to muffle how angry he was.”
Her eyes were as wide as saucers as she looked at me. “You’re not serious.”
“No one else heard. Although, I’m sure they wouldn’t have believed it. No one has ever been able to make him that crazy before.”
She frowned and crossed her arms under her chest, pushing her chest up. The lace top she wore didn’t look like it was made to handle much pressure and her breasts pushed at the fabric with power. In a pair of high-waisted pants that hugged her body, she still managed to look both vintage and sexy as hell.
“I don’t think I did anything that bad.” Her frown turned into a cute pout as she looked down at me. The sneaky little thing thought I didn’t know why she’d almost gotten her ass reddened that morning. “Dominic was just cranky.”
I fought a grin. “Tell me.”
“I woke up late because I was really tired after all that boring reading he made me do yesterday. Then, my car broke down on the side of the road. I was having a really terrible morning.” She batted her lashes and tried her best to look absolutely pitiful. “I forgot my cellphone at home, so I had to walk. It wasawful. Well, a really nice person pulled over and offered to give me a ride to work. I weighed out my options and thought getting here faster would be better.”
A chill still ran down my spine when I considered what she’d done. “A really nice person?”
“A man.” She sniffed. “A really nice older man. He brought me straight here and didn’t even take the money I tried to give him as thanks. He was so sweet. I learned all about his grandkids and great-grandkids. It was a perfectly nice encounter.”
“But Dominic didn’t like it?” Like I didn’t know. Like I hadn’t nearly blown a gasket myself.
“No. He shouted. His face went all red and I swear to god, I thought he was going to have a heart attack. When I mentioned it, I thought he was going to throw me out of the window.” A small grin slipped over her mouth before she could control it. “Honestly, I still think he overreacted.”
I patted my lap and nearly forgot everything when she immediately sat in my lap. We were on site at a restaurant that Holden was revamping. We were the only three there and Holden was focused in the kitchen.
“How long have you been working for us now, Sugar?”
She looked down at her lap and thought about it. “Almost two weeks.”
“How many times have we offered you a car, or a ride?”
She sighed. “Daily.”
“You could’ve given Dom a heart attack if something had happened to you.” I stroked her back and felt her sink farther into me. “There are some risks that you can’t take.”
“It was a mistake. I felt so stupid for forgetting to set my alarm and then I left my phone at home. I just wanted to get here as quick as possible. All morning just made me feel like a dumb kid and like I don’t belong here.” She looked down at her hands and I could tell she really had slipped into her true feelings. “It’s hard sometimes.”
“What’s hard, Sugar?”