Page 79 of Daddy's Next Door
“There’s no reception inside! I just have to tell you this one thing!” She screamed again and then I heard Dad shouting, too. “She works at a big publishing company. She’d heard of you. She’s going to look at your—”
I turned down the call as the sound of squawking pierced through the car. “Reba? Are you okay?”
Her voice grew faint, but I could still hear her scream. “That bird took my phone! My phone case looks like a cute little taco! I need that!”
My mouth fell open as I realized I’d just listened to my stepmom get robbed by a bird. I had to rush inside to keep from peeing on myself, I was laughing so hard.
I felt better, but I still needed chocolate, I decided. Only when I opened the drawer I’d designated for chocolate, I found it empty. It’d been full the night before. Well, almost full. I’d hit it pretty hard the day before.
Going around the entire kitchen, I searched everywhere for the missing chocolate, but by the time I finished looking under the sink, I knew where it was. Dominic. I was going to kick his controlling butt to the moon.
He’d turned into a worrier over the pregnancy and he took the doctor’s suggestions too far. I was going to murder him for taking my chocolate. That was a step too far. Ineededthat chocolate.
Soon I was back in the car, Reba and her news forgotten, and headed to the office. By the time I got there, I’d worked myself into a frenzy.
I stepped out of the elevator and sagged with relief when I spotted Cindy. “For the love of all things holy, Cindy, please tell me you have a giant chocolate bar.”
She froze like a deer in headlights. Her eyes moved down to Dominic’s office and then she slightly shook her head. “No. Sorry. I’m all out.”
I gasped. “He got to you!”
She reached across the desk and grabbed my hand. “You know he means well, honey. He’s been stressed and you know how he gets.”
I narrowed my eyes at his office door and shrugged out of my coat. While getting ready, I’d found out that my maternity clothes were too small to fit over my belly. The babies were growing so fast and they were making me fucking huge. Instead of the cute dress I wanted to wear, I’d only been able to fit into one of Dominic’s button-downs. Even still, my boobs were threatening to spill out of the top. Everything had gotten huge and I felt like screaming.
Cindy’s eyes landed on my chest and she covered her mouth with a file folder. “Oh, honey. These babies are definitely doing something to the girls, huh?”
I groaned. “I’m going to go murder my husband now.”
“He’s in a meeting.” Cindy just smiled because she knew me and knew that I knew which meetings were ones that couldn’t be interrupted.
I only made a scene in the meetings that weren’t dire. Or when Dominic sent me a text, suggesting I come and act like a brat so he could get out of his meeting faster. It was a thing we did.
Imovedtowardhisoffice like a storm, gathering steam as I went. He was going to hear how much he’d pissed me off. There was no getting out of it. When I threw his door open, two out of the five men in the office jumped. The other three were my husbands and had probably been expecting a fit from me.
“Sorry, gentlemen. I just need to shout at my husband really fast. You don’t even have to leave, if you don’t want to.”
I put my hands on my hips and turned on Dominic. “You! I didn’t fight when you suggested we take away coffee. I know there are risks. I have given up so many things, including charcuterie boards and being able to see my own vagina! Now, and this really…dammit, what’s the saying? Chafes my butt? Tans my hide? Whatever. You’ve gone too far!Chocolate, Dominic?Chocolate?”
Holden licked his lips and ran his eyes over my body. “I can see everything you might need help with, Sugar.”
Barrett stood up and clamped a hand on the shoulder of each man who didn’t belong. “As you can see, gentlemen, our wife needs to speak to us. Since I understand having eyes and being near her makes it hard to look away, I’ll forgive you for staring at her like you just did. Up and out. We’ll finish this another day.”
The guys each managed to look scolded as they left the office. The door lock engaged behind them with a soft click that flooded my panties. That was another thing. My sex drive was impossible. I couldn’t get enough of them. Which made being angry at them really hard.
Still, I tried. “You’ll take chocolate over my cold, dead body.”
Dominic stood up slowly and shrugged out of his suit jacket. “I’m not taking anything from you, pet.”
My eyes fluttered closed as waves of arousal grew in me. I leaned against the chair behind his desk and gripped the back of it hard. “You took the chocolate from the house. It’s gone. Why’d you take it?”
He rolled up first one sleeve and then the other before looking back at me. “We talked about it. The doctor said it has caffeine and to keep it under a certain amount.”
“I still don’t understand why you took it.” I crossed my legs and pressed my thighs together, trying to relieve some of the ache.