Page 24 of Reckless Boss
Their boats also refuel here on the island, and if they need to move cargo from one to another it is done here. We have a mutually beneficial business arrangement, and while many of The Kings don’t like it, I am happy with how I keep my house in order. It is my island, my house, and my way of doing things.
I keep glancing at the camera feed to see what Lucia is doing. Each time I do I have thoughts of her sitting on top of me right here last night in the darkness. She was made to distract me. I’m going to have to do better at keeping my mind where it should be.
By the time I am done with the pressing business of the day, Lucia is in the swimming pool with Raul. He’s having the time of his life splashing and giggling in the water with her. After watching for a while, I go outside into the sweltering sun and join them in the pool. She glances at me, sneaky little looks out the corner of her eye.
She bites at her bottom lip and keeps her physical distance from me — she’s swimming in a set of black underwear and I make mantel note to get her a swimsuit. “This is fun,” she says when I get close and take my nephew into my arms, he’s absolutely besotted with her — and he’s not the only one.
“I have a few other fun things I’d rather do with you in your underwear,” I say, and she covers Raul’s ears, “he won’t understand, not for a long time.” I laugh at her wanting to protect him from such things. Lucia swims away from us, and the little guy laughs loudly as I wade through the water trying to catch her. It’s a game, I am the predator, and she is the prey.
“Gotcha,” I say when I catch her at the edge of the pool, cornering her so she has no escape. Lucia looks at me with those stunning eyes, her smile is wide and the water cascades off her skin where her shoulders are above the water.
I’m holding a baby, but it doesn’t stop me, I move closer and claim her mouth with a kiss. A kiss I have tasted on my lips all morning while I worked, one I wanted to wake up to. My fingers tangle in her wet hair as I hold her head so I can deepen the connection.
When a small little hand shoves in between our faces and pries us apart we both laugh at the jealous little boy. He’s not happy to share Lucia, and I am jealous of their relationship. I want her for myself, but I also want him to love me and not her. It’s a muddle of mixed emotions, love, lust, and desire — easily confused.
We take a walk around the island, along the path she took when she ran away and thought she could escape, stopping at the lighthouse where the view over the ocean is never-ending. Raul wiggles in her arms, and she gently pushes his head so it’s against her chest. On the walk back to the house he falls asleep, so easily — I can only wish to fall asleep that quickly.
When I lay my head down at night it’s filled with thoughts, and plans, and visions of the family I no longer have. My dreams are haunted, and rest is hard to find for a man like me. Most of the men in our circles turn to drink or drugs to sleep at night, but I will not go down that slippery slope. Last time I drank I let her go free and look where that has landed me.
Lucia puts him down in his crib, pulls a t-shirt on and wraps a towel around her waist like a skirt. “Lunch?” she offers and I nod from the sofa where I am sitting. There’s a boat coming in either today or tomorrow. It will dock for a day or two and then shift its cargo to another vessel.
I don’t want her getting close to any of it, she might be safe with me, but if she sticks her nose in their business, I won’t be able to keep her safe.
“Thank you,” I say when she brings out some food and sets it on the coffee table. “I have to get some work done,” I continue, and she stops to listen to me. “There is a boat coming in. You two can’t go outside or near that part of the island while it’s here. It will be gone in a day or two, but until then stay at the back of the house.” Lucia doesn’t argue, she knows enough about my line of work not to.
“That’s fine, I understand,” she says with a smile, and before she can walk away, I grab her hand and pull her, so she topples over onto me. The more I kiss her, the more I want to kiss her. It’s a warning kiss, a message telling her there is more to come. When we stop, she gets up, and kisses my cheek before going back to the kitchen.
That cheek kiss, it’s innocent and tender, and it was more intimate than any other touch we have shared. It had no hidden message behind it, just a pure gesture, one I am afraid makes me feel. Emotions are not a good thing to have when you are a King, they will land you in a world of hurt. Caring for anything means you have something to lose. I have two things now, her and Raul, that’s a vulnerable place to be. My enemies can never know I have a weakness.
I missed dinner, but she brought mine to my desk. Quietly setting it down and leaving me again without saying a word.
When the boat came in, she stayed put while I was out at the dock for hours, and by the time I got back inside the house Raul was down and she was watching the TV in the living room alone.
“Can I get you anything?” she asks as I come in and sit down beside her on the sofa, I am exhausted.
When I look at her through the fog of fatigue and the haze of my lust I answer with, “You, in my bed with me tonight.” She smiles. “That’s what you can get me. But we can finish your show and make out here on the sofa first.” I wink at her, and she moves to sit closer to me. She’s wearing a t-shirt I think is mine over a pair of girly boxer shorts.It’s sexy as fuck.
I’m tired, but when she drapes herself over me and moves so close beside me, acting innocent like she isn’t temptation on two legs, I think I may be falling in love. Wouldn’t that be a tragedy to love my enemy — I can fuck my enemy. I can make her come, and kiss her, but loving her would be betraying my own family, and I don’t think I can allow myself the freedom to do that.
The comfort of sharing the sofa with someone, the warmth of her touch and the scorching heat of her kisses makes me want to stay here forever.
I can stay here, no one needs me anywhere else — keeping her here forever is how I get my revenge, and that way I can love her while I have it. There’s always a way to have to everything you want if you are not afraid to lose it. I want Lucia, I want my revenge — and I never want to stop kissing her.
“Let’s go to your bed, Sal,” she says to me between kisses, things are getting heated and a bit too hot for the sofa. She’s straddling my lap now, her breasts in my face. We need to take this to the bedroom, before one of my team get a show they didn’t pay for.
I pick her up, and she wraps her arms and legs around me. Carrying her down the passage to my room, I cannot walk fast enough. She laughs when I drop her down onto the mattress, her body bounces softly. Looking down at her smile, and her body waiting for me, I am hard and hungry for Lucia.
The dreams I had last night have nothing on what I plan to do now I have her in the flesh. Her t-shirt pulls up slightly exposing her stomach and the tiny shorts she has under it. I lick my lips and smile, which makes Lucia blush. Last night we started, it was just foreplay. The prelude to this moment.
When our gazes lock, my control slips, and I forget all the things that should be stopping me. Dropping to my knees, I slide her shorts off, she will not be needing them tonight. I push her legs apart. Lucia props herself up on her elbows and looks down at me. I run my hands up her thighs and stop when I get to the top. Holding them apart, I smile, licking my lips in anticipation of what she will taste like.
Her pussy is so wet already, and I haven’t even touched it yet. She’s breathing fast, in anticipation, and when I start kissing her clit first, she gets excited. Trying to get away and closer at the same time — I tease like I did last night. Just pressure and soft touches. Small movements that bring her close but don’t allow her the release she is chasing. She tastes so good. She’s so wet and when her fingers slide into my hair and give a gentle tug, I feel it in my balls.
I’m getting very excited, I don’t want to rush this. I want it to last, teasing her with my lips, kissing her everywhere except where she wants. The thought of diving in and just eating her pussy is there, but I am enjoying the desperate moans she makes as I force her to wait.
“Sal,” she pants my name, and it makes me even harder, I love how it comes out as a gasp. “Please.”