Page 31 of Reckless Boss
“I will make a call.” I step out of the room, and dial Valentin. The man will be in Europe somewhere, he’s allergic to the cold of his own country. He prefers the sun on the Med, and the women, and the football.
“Salvatore.” He sounds jovial when he greets me, and I hear the party in the background.
“Valentin.” There’s loud music which fades as he moves to where he can talk. “That deal you have waited so long for? The time is finally right. Lorenzo would like to know if we can discuss business, and if you’d be able to support him in some trouble he is having.”
Valentin laughs, he is a strange character. “I knew you would need us eventually,” he says, “how many men does he need, and where are you?” He is a man of his word, he has told me in the past if I need him, I can call — favors work both ways though.
“There’s a war brewing. They are all at the sanctuary for now. Probably will be deadlocked in talks until someone pulls a gun out.” It’s not allowed to tell outsiders where we are, but this is different. The boss told me to get him help, and I have the connections do just that.
There are sounds of movement and muffled whispers as I wait for him to speak again.
“Three hours, I will send what you need,” he says, “keep their guns in their pants until then. Lorenzo can meet me in London when you are done playing games.”
“Thank you, Valentin.” This will be good for my business too, but right now it will be good for my friend. I hang up, the voices inside the room are carrying outside as they get truly heated. They had best calm the fuck down for the next few hours, but the fight over who has control of what has been bubbling for ages. These men are hungry for money and ready to grab at whatever power they can.
I enter in the middle of the argument, and Lorenzo makes eye contact with me. I nod, and he knows I have done what he wanted. Taking my seat, I throw a spanner in the works, to try keep anyone from being killed until the backup plan arrives.
“We are forgetting that while we fight amongst ourselves our enemies outside this sanctuary area waiting to move on our business. We have got to diversify, modernize. Get with the fucking times, or we are going to be obsolete.” I know they hate what I do, the concept of crypto currency is too big for their small minds. But laundering money has changed, they can’t wash it in shampoo anymore. They are going to need me and the Russians no matter who is at the head of this table.
Kings are dirtier than any street rat you will find, they hide skeletons all over the place. I don’t trust a single man here, except maybe Lorenzo, and even then, no one is truly trustworthy. I let them start fighting over what I have said and sit back.
My mind is on other problems, it is on Lucia, and the baby, that storm and how much time they have before it makes land. I check the weather, being rude and breaking code by having my phone out. I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about code, my only family are in the path of a natural disaster.
It is not hard to keep these fools engrossed in bullshit for three hours, and when my phone vibrates on the table, I know our new allies are here. When I catch Lorenzo’s eye I nod, get up and go to meet them outside while he escalates the fight and gets those who are against him to show themselves — traitors die traitor’s deaths.
A small army of Russian Bratva follow me into the room where my friend has a gun pointed to his head. All eyes turn to me and the men who quickly circle the room and position themselves, so they have the upper hand. The man threatening Lorenzo slumps over in a shower of blood spatter as bullets rip him to shreds. These men are loyal to one boss now, they have been bought by Lorenzo. He owns them and anyone in this room who thinks they might be able to oust him will leave in pieces or a body bag.
Friends in low places are always handy to have when your enemies are like these.
Everyone sits down again, except Lorenzo and his newly hired fire power. He stands at the head of the table covered in blood, it doesn’t even bother him. “Is there anyone else here who came to kill me?” he asks and everyone looks around at those seated near them. No one daring to admit their treason. “I know who you are, all of you. Better sleep with one eye open tonight, and every night.” He ends the talks, there was never any real reason for them. It was coup to try and get rid of him, and he knew it.
I know he used me, that he knew I would connect him to outside protection and keep him safe — I don’t even care. There are bigger worries in my head. Like getting out of here so I can check on my island, my baby boy and Lucia.
When all but a few men have left, and I’m itching to do the same Lorenzo says to me, “You have ants in your pants, Sal.” He is not wrong, I am twitchy, and anxious. “What’s wrong?”
I should lie to him, keep my secret a secret. The thing is if I don’t tell him and Zagaria finds her on my island there will be hell to pay.
“I have a problem at home,” I say, “it’s personal, not business.” He looks me in the eye, and I know he knows I am lying.
“You can go if you must,” he says, “it must be important if you are this distracted.”
“I cannot go, there is a hurricane headed for the place I call home now, and no way to get there. My nephew is in danger, and I am stuck here, so yes, I am distracted.” Lorenzo realizes the gravity of my situation and puts a hand on my shoulder.
“I am sorry Sal, I brought you here away from him.” He did, and now I have no way to keep them safe. “What can I do?” he asks me.
“You can stay calm when I tell you the rest of the story.” I look at him, knowing this could possibly end very badly for me. “Over dinner. Not here.” I look around and see her brother still lingering.Bastard.
When we enter the small eatery nearby the sanctuary the place quickly empties out, people know who we are. When The Kings meet here locals make themselves scarce, no one wants to be caught poking their nose where it shouldn’t be. He and I are alone, the Russians stay outside like the good pitbulls they’re trained to be.
“What is going on?” Lorenzo doesn’t beat around the bush, it is time I tell him what I have done. Because I may need his help at some point.
“You are going to remember I was on your side today, and you will not shoot me.” I remind him we had an agreement. He nods.
“Lucia Zagaria.” I say her name and my heart squeezes in my chest, “I know where she is.” There’s no easy way to say I have kidnaped her, fallen in love and won’t ever give her back. He is going to be livid, and I will know his wrath. “I took her.”
“You did what?” he says calmly, so no one besides us can hear.