Page 123 of Hunger
“He’s a friend of mine.”
I frown, wondering what it takes to be friends with the DA.
“You have to make a complaint, Indie,” he says resolutely.
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because he threatened to kill me. To hurt my friends. If something happened—”
“I’ll speak to his other exes. We need to get this thing sorted out once and for all.”
I drop my head, wondering if I have the strength to go through what could be two or three years of waiting for this thing to even go to trial.
“I just want to move on.”
“You will. I have a lot of contacts in a lot of places. I’ll make sure the pressure and evidence against him is so overwhelming that he gets down on his knees and begs to take a plea deal.”
Indigo keeps her head bowed as we head back towards the house upon talking to the local two-man security team I arranged to watch her house, front and back, in the taxi on the way home… despite Indigo’s vocal protests.
As I walk her up the path, I’m conscious of my hand, conscious of how much it aches to touch hers, conscious of the proximity of her body, so small, so vulnerable, so shaken up.
She reminds me so much of a woman I once knew. A woman who haunts my dreams some nights, as if some ethereal thing I can’t tell if I conjured up in my own mind.
Only the handful of photos that her sister gave me in secret all those years ago, and which I’ve keep carefully hidden since, let me know I didn’t dream the whole fucking thing up.
Shewasreal, even if every minute since she left has been dedicated to erasing her.
There’s something about Indigo’s energy that reminds me of that woman. And I know that’s another reason, as if I needed one, why I can’t get close like this.
This is way too fucking personal for me now.
It already felt different to what I’ve known before, but to have the ghost of a woman I knew so long ago hanging over us is more than I know how to handle.
I’ll help her solve this problem, but that’s it. I can’t get involved in any other way.
“Are your friends back?” I ask as she slips the key into the door and turns the lock.
“No,” she replies, glancing at her phone. “Fran’s still with Gideon and Rami’s at a bar causing havoc with some of our yogi friends. They’ll be back in a couple of hours, I think.”
“Did you tell them?”
“No. I’ll tell them when they get in tonight, or tomorrow if they get in late. Though if Rami sees them lurking around, she may decide to beat them up and then wake me up in the process.”
“You did warn them,” I respond and she manages a half-hearted smile. “Can I… check the rooms?” I ask. “And the doors and windows?”
“They’re taking him straight to jail from the hospital, right?”
“Yeah. But… what if he’s not alone? There were messages from more than one number.”
“God,” she shudders, peering into the dark house.
I push the door open, taking care to lock it carefully from the inside as she turns on a gentle light before we slip our shoes off. I head to the balcony, making sure it’s locked before checking all the windows on the lower floor and heading upstairs without asking.