Page 172 of Hunger
We eyeball each other for what feels like a minute as passersby glance at us, before I finally turn and get into the car, flinching as he slams the door shut behind me.
As he gets in a moment later, he reaches for my seatbelt, drawing it over my body and buckling it in place. He does the same to his, checks his rear-view mirror and drives off, the car’s engine growling down the street.
To where he’s taking us, right this second, I really don’t know.
Ithrow stealthy glances at him as he drives in silence out of the city, leading us south in the direction of Port Washington, the opposite direction to where I live.
“Where the hell are we going?!”
He remains silent as he has done since we got into the car, his expression wrathful and so tense I feel it in my body.
“Hey, I have a right to know where we’re going, you know? And news flash, you’re not the aggrieved party here. You’re the stalker asshole who interrupted my date, so don’t start acting like the victim here.”
His fingers grip the steering wheel tightly as my eyes can’t help but roam to the blood dried around the cut through his lip which secretly makes me want to tend to it despite my ire.
“I mean, I get you’re all descended from cavemen, but that was some Homo Erectus shit you pulled back there. Just because we had sex, doesn’t mean you get to dictate who I can and can’t go on a date with.”
He pulls a sharp turn off Highway 210 and onto a smaller road, one enveloped entirely by woods, his face hardening and his breathing quickening with every second he drives.
“Hey, where are we going? I’m not kidding.”
I peer around as he turns onto an even narrower path, the woods denser, shutting out the night sky, the tall dark trees closing in on us.
I reach for my phone in my purse as my heart rate begins to spike. “If you don’t tell me where we’re goingright fucking now, I’m calling Fran.”
He remains wordless, as I swipe my phone on, finding her name in my recent call list.
“I’ll call her, you know.”
“Go ahead,” he replies through gritted teeth, the first words he’s spoken since he got in the car.
“Fine!” I press the green phone button next to her name, suddenly wondering if I’ll even get reception here.
“Hey babe,” she sings to my sigh of relief. “How’d the date go?”
“Um… it went a bit off track.”
“How?” she chuckles as I glance up at Greyson’s stern profile wrapped in the shadow of the dimly lit road he’s driving us down.
“Greyson turned up.”
“Oh, fuck.”
“Yeah. I’m in his car right now.”
“Oh, fuck. He’s taking you home?”
“I’m gonna tell her, you know?” I whisper to him, moving the phone away from my lips.
“Be my guest, Indigo,” he replies as he turns down a path to the right.
“Fine!” I bring the phone under my chin. “He’s driving me… somewhere.”