Page 209 of Hunger
“Well, that sounds like ayouproblem.”
Dark mirth mixes with ire to form a lethal concoction. “It’s anusproblem,” he clarifies. “And seeing as I very sadly can’t dismember him as I’d like to, your ass is going to offer up another apology to me for you daring to let another man think he had a chance of touching you.”
“I already apologized for that last night,” I counter. “I need a better explanation as to why I deserve punishing today.”
“You distracting me day and night is a reason.”
“Is being distracted a bad thing?”
“For a man like me,yes. As is your inability to take instruction without subjecting me to your impertinent little questions. I’m overlooking it because I haven’t trained you yet, but I will not be tolerating it forever. Now turn around and offer me that pert little ass of yours. And make it quick.”
“And what if I don’t?”
His eyes form tight slits as his tall body stiffens into stone.
“You’re very lucky I’m settling on the riding crop today. Because what Ireallywant to do is fasten a collar around your neck and lead you around the house on all fours by a leash before tying you to a chair, mounting that naked ass of yours and riding you until your arms and legs give way beneath you.”
My body seizes as he says it, both from arousal and because some strangely familiar feeling makes me shiver—as if I don’t fully understand who’s standing opposite me.
A chill billows through me as Grey suddenly morphs into the specter of a man who was once so gentle only to turn into a monster.
He must see a flurry of trepidation cross my face for his glare weakens, just a little.
“We need a safe word,” he announces.
“If you insist,” I say, never having been with a man who gave me one before.
“I do,” he growls. “How about…I’m an insolent little brat who needs frequent correction.”
I contemplate the idea with a sigh just to annoy him. “Mmm, it’s a bit wordy.” His eyes glisten mysteriously. “How about ‘You’re a repressed asshole’?”I suggest.
His mouth widens into a quick smile. “More succinct,” he replies. “And accurate. Though in fairness, I wouldn’t be sure whether you were using it as a safe word or as commentary.”
I can’t help but dissolve into a smirk, a much-needed one which uncoils some of the tension I feel as I learn about the proclivities of this mysterious man who I’m finding less and less readable with each hour I spend with him, but whom I’m desperate to know. Every piece. Every secret. Every thing that makes him think he’s a monster.
“Good point,” I decide, my voice perky. “It could easily be either.”
“Indeed. So, what do you suggest, wildflower?”
“How about…wolfman,” I respond, the idea feeding itself to me in a snap as I find myself suspended in the smoke-filled blast of predatory gray eyes, eyes which make me feel like I’m being hunted.
I swallow thickly. “Because… you’re kind of… like a wolf… at times.”
I suddenly ache to tell him how insanely beautiful he is, how majestically he owns space, how strong and powerful he feels under my skin, how magical it feels to be with him. I also want to tell him how dangerous he feels sometimes, how threatening, how unpredictable, how wild, and how heightened reality feels when he’s near… and how I can barely take my eyes off him for fear that he’s going to pounce on me.
But instead, a riddle emerges, one I don’t fully understand myself.
“You know how… Don’t you?”
He inhales deeply, observing me with such intent that I feel like my legs could give way just from the sheer visceral force of it and the endless verbal foreplay which I’ve never experienced before. My exes would get hard and then rub themselves on me and minutes later, we’d be doing it.
But Grey, he draws out the anticipation, whipping us, literally and otherwise, into some frenzied storm fizzing with electricity, the charge between our bodies crackling, our skin hot, our tongues thirsty for each other. My pussy is now so wet, I’m amazed I’m not dripping my arousal down my own thigh for him to see.
“Wolfmanit is,” he responds. “And you may use it whenever you need to… without consequences. Now turn around, place your hands on the wall, bend over and present that tight ass of yours to be disciplined. Don’t make me ask you again.”