Page 40 of Hunger
“Oh, will I, now?”
He takes a step towards me. “Yes. You will.”
I shrug. “What are you gonna do, dress me yourself?”
Another step, and my body lights up with effervescent energy as the thought of the orgasm I reached yesterday thanks to the vision of Greyson’s hard body rocks through me again.
My eyes stray down the stone wall of his frame, finding the bulge beneath his pants as I wonder if he made himself come last night… or this morning… as I picture the size of him, the taste, the feel, and suddenly want nothing more than him to bend me over his desk.
A week ago, sex with Kohl left me feeling triggered, a fact I hid from him as I found myself shaking in the shower afterwards as his touch aroused memories of the man who came before him, through no fault of his own.
And now this… How is this near-stranger capable of sexual recalibration I thought impossible.
Not that that means he’s into me. Maybe this is all some silly fantasy in my head…
“Don’t tempt me, Indigo,” he snarls.
“You know, it’s not exactly very PC of men to be telling women what to wear at work.”
“I don’t give a fuck if it is. I don’t want my father looking at your body.” His gaze descends down my body. “And when you dress like that, I know exactly what that fucker is thinking.”
“Well, he can go screw himself. Why do you let him talk to you the way he does?”
Grey’s chest expands as he stares down at me.
“Stop, Indigo.”
“I’m sorry, but the guy’s a colossal prick. And you being his son doesn’t give him the right to treat you like shit.”
“Stop,” he growls.
“I mean, he should be down on his fucking knees thanking God every day that he has a son like you. Just the way he looks at you is totally outrageous—”
“I'm warning you, Indigo.”
“You don’t deserve to be—”
“My family is off limits,” he snaps. “As you requested yours to be, remember?”
I know I’m getting under his skin. I can’t help it. In fact, I’ve never felt so safe to push a man’s buttons before. After being scared for months last year once I realized that getting out of the relationship was going to be more dangerous than staying in it, I thought I wouldn’t be able to give men shit the way I used to.
Even with Kohl, I’m not quite myself. I kind of just let him take the lead to avoid rocking the boat, another reason I’m going to tell him I can’t see him anymore tonight.
But from the second I met Grey, I’ve felt like myself again—the cheeky asshole who says what she thinks without being terrified of having my place smashed up for doing so.
Plus, I don’t know if anyone else is going to tell him what was once said to me to wake me up—that just because someone is your parent, it doesn’t give them a free pass to hurt you at will for the rest of your life.
“I'm not trying to delve into your private life,” I counter. “I’m just saying that no one has the right to ever make you feel worthless or—”
“Like you can’t please them or—”
He closes the gap between us until I smell his mint-laced breath. “Indigo, I’m warning you. One more fucking word about my father and I’ll—”
“You’ll what?” I say, my respiration accelerating as my blood rushes to my pussy, making it ache, desperate for the release of him. My fingers hunger to reach for his cock… but I can’t do it.
Instead, I wait…