Page 11 of Lycan's Fated Mate
He was silent for a long time while trying to find the right words to explain the situation to her, but he could feel her growing tension the longer he stayed quiet.
“Sometimes when we’re attracted to someone lycans form a bond with that person.”
“Ok, isn’t that normal though we all form attachments to people we’re attracted to?”
Clay grinned trying to lighten the mood. “Yeah but this kind of attachment is different. Like our animal counterparts, we mate with that person. It is a very intimate bond that is difficult to break once established.”
He thought back to his cousin and his mate Kelly. Ryan not realizing they were mates had nearly killed Kelly. He wouldn’t make the same mistake with Jade. If she didn’t feel the same way about him he would make sure they broke the mating bond before it became dangerous to either of them.
His wolf hated the idea of being parted from her and rebelled against the idea of just letting her go. A sharp pain shot through his body as his wolf form pushed against the confines of his human body. He wasn’t trying to shift. He was trying to inflict pain on his other half. As if sensing his discomfort Jade reached for him, Clay wanted to accept her affection but he had to get everything out.
“The bond often begins with a blood exchange.” The wound on his chest throbbed. Clay paused watching her carefully as it dawned on her that she had bitten him and had drawn blood.
“Wait are you saying that we are tied together now?”
Clay tried to gauge what she might be feeling from the tone in her voice, but he could only read her shock.
“Well no, we aren’t tied together. Not yet anyway, but the bond has been initiated.” He tried to explain knowing that he was making a mess of it.
“So let me get this straight, you guys just get to bite whoever you want, and bam they are tied to you just like that.”
“No, it doesn’t work like that exactly. For a blood bond to work between two people they have to be fated mates. Instead of having just chosen to mate, and technically sweetheart I didn’t bite you.”
“OK, BUT I didn’t know what I was doing I didn’t know there were consequences other than just a little bit of blood.” Jade tried to wrap her head around what Clay was telling her, but it felt like her brain was fogged and struggling to catch up.
“You are my mate.”
Her jaw dropped open at his declaration. She closed it only to open it again like a fish floundering to breathe.
“You can’t possibly know that,” she said once she’d found her voice.
“I do. I’ve known it since the moment I saw you. How is it possible you know about lycans but don’t know anything about us?” Jade fought the blush his question caused. She wasn’t sure how to admit to him how she knew about Martin’s lycan pack. How the witches had seen his kind shift with the full moon and chase down prey in the forest. She couldn’t admit that the witches had shielded themselves from the Lycans to maintain their secrets while the pack's secrets had become common knowledge among the coven.
Doing so would put the coven at risk, she had no way of knowing what would happen to the others if she outed them. So she kept her confession limited to just herself.
“It’s not hard to see things you aren’t supposed to see lurking in the woods when those woods are your back yard.” Clay watched her his gaze skeptical and she knew he didn’t entirely believe her story but she couldn’t change it she had to protect the others. It didn’t matter that they believed in the outdated notion that she should marry Quinn and give up the majority of her identity so that their power would make him stronger. They were still her family even if she didn’t feel like she belonged.
She tried to focus on their discussion but an intense desire still raged through her. The thick ridge of his erection was visible beneath his pants distracting her even further. Jade licked her lips.
“Baby, you can’t look at me like that.” Clay groaned
“Well, it doesn’t seem fair.” She gestured to his predicament.
“You can’t look at me like that and talk about evening the score. I already want my dick in your mouth so badly I can’t think straight.
His words were a bit crude but she knew he did it intentionally to warn her off.
It might not be the smartest idea but Jade didn’t want to think. The imagery that his words created made her ache for him all over again. She reached for his waistband determined to lower his zipper.
“We shouldn’t.” Clay covered her hands with one of his stilling her effort to unbutton his jeans.
“Maybe we shouldn’t but I want to. It’s all I’ve been thinking about from the moment you came to the café. I’ve tried to ignore it. I’ve tried to forget it. I’ve tried to fight it and now all I can think about is how if I don’t taste you soon I’m going to lose my mind.” She held his gaze while she twisted her wrist under his grip. She slid the button loose.
She couldn’t lower his pants very far without his help. “Let me.” She coaxed him, nearly cheering in triumph when he lifted his hips and helped her.
Jade smiled as she lowered her mouth to him. It had been a long time since she’d done this so she was cautious at first. His erection was impressive and since she hadn’t been with anyone in a while his size was a bit intimidating, but she took her time wanting to discover everything that he enjoyed.