Page 3 of Lycan's Fated Mate
She nodded and set the cup down before tucking her hands behind her back hiding the burn but also the fine tremor that he’d noticed made her fingers shake. He wondered if she was just naturally a nervous person or if he was the cause.
“Have you decided what you want?” Her voice came out steady despite her jittery demeanor.
You,he had to bite down on his tongue to keep from replying out loud but he was sure his intent was clear in his gaze if she would bother to make eye contact with him for more than two seconds.
Wanting to put her at ease and not seem too pushy he ordered his lunch and allowed her to retreat.
He was lycan there was no mistaking the power that he exuded. Jade didn’t recognize him though so it was likely that he wasn’t from the pack in the area.
The coven knew of the existence of the pack and while they weren’t enemies calling them friends would be a stretch. Jade believed that it would be impossible for them to live in complete harmony since the coven wanted power and lycans were always fighting amongst themselves for power there were bound to be personality conflicts.
Jade wondered if he was just passing through. If he was she could avoid him while he was here but if he planned on staying for any length of time making sure they didn’t cross paths would be much more difficult.
She made her way to the kitchen and dropped off his order then went to the bathroom to center and collect herself. She’d never had such a visceral reaction to another person and it left her shaking and confused.
Once she was sure she was alone in the washroom she pulled the salt that she has snagged from the kitchen out of her pocket. She sprinkled some over herself while uttering a quick spell to ground her and bring herself under control. With that done she splashed cold water on her face washed her hands and went back to work. She refilled drinks for other customers and took new orders dodging him as long as she dared but she could feel his gaze on her watching her every move. Jade knew if it weren’t for the grounding she’d quickly performed on herself she’d be burning for him worse than she already was.
What was it about him that caused her to react so strongly?She had been around other lycans and other powerful beings so it wasn’t his power that was drawing her in, and while he was good-looking Jade had never been swayed by physical appearance alone. The harder she tried to ignore his presence the more she was attracted to him.
The cook called out his order ending her attempted rebellion, Jade tried to ignore the elation that bubbled up inside her as she picked up his plate of steak and eggs and made her way back to his table.
“Can I get you anything else?” She asked, hating the way her voice came out in a soft syrupy-sweet tone. It matched the way she felt like she was melting inside. Under his intense gaze, Jade felt heat flare across her skin and knew that a deep blush was spreading as her ears started to burn. Silently she cursed her fair complexion knowing it was giving away her reaction to him.
“I want to keep asking for things so you have to keep coming back to talk to me,” he admitted as a slow sensual smile curled his lips making Jade’s embarrassment burn brighter.
“I think if I did that though you’d run for the hills. Would you, Jade?”
The shock of hearing him use her name had her gaze flying to his before she remembered that she was wearing a name tag.
“I think if I ran you’d chase me. So what would be the point?” She stepped back from the table determined to escape despite her words to the contrary.
He reached out, his fingertips brushing against the back of her hand. Normally she would have reprimanded a total stranger for being so forward. She would shrug off their touch but for some reason, his didn’t bother her.
“I’m Clay,” he introduced himself while his index finger traced a circular pattern at the base of her thumb. Her insides quivered each time he completed the motion. Jade glanced around the diner sure that her world falling apart would be obvious to everyone but they all went on eating as if nothing life-changing was happening. She swallowed passed the lump forming in her throat.
“Well Clay, you’d better eat before your food gets cold.” She took another step back and his hand fell away from hers. She felt the absence of his touch like a keen ache and had to shake her head to cleanse it away.
CLAY LET HER move away from the table unable to think of a reason to get her to stay. He tried not to stare not wanting to make her uncomfortable but he found his gaze repeatedly drawn to her.
Her long dark hair was styled into a french braid which was perfect for work and keeping hair out of her customer’s food but he longed to know what the texture would feel like sliding through his fingers. He wanted to see it cascading down her back or better yet spread across his chest while he held her. Her skin was soft and warm and when he’d stroked her hand he’d felt the connection between them strengthen. He’d known of her existence less than twenty-four hours and already the universe was working to bring them together.
Clay wasn’t sure if she felt it too since she was human and not a lycan, but from what he knew of his cousin’s mating Clay assumed that she felt something as well and he hoped that was the reason for her nervous behavior. The scent of her fear gave him pause and he knew he’d need to use caution if he wanted to avoid scaring her away. Clay never expected he would find his true mate, the one fated to be his other half. He figured that he would form a bond with a woman. He assumed they would be happy but not experience the depth of passion that true fated mates shared. Astonished that he’d stumbled upon his mate now the end of his trip was suddenly looking much more interesting and scaring her off was the last thing he wanted.
He finished his food keeping one eye on Jade as she served other customers then out of reasons to linger he flagged her down for the check.
He paid and once he was done slid a folded napkin into her hand. He watched her eyes go wide as she looked down at it. He’d written his name and cell phone number across the textured white surface.
It wasn’t the best pick-up attempt in history but he couldn’t walk out the door without at least trying to contact her later.
“I’d like to see you while I’m in town.”
He watched her throat work as she swallowed. “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” she said. He smiled as she tucked the napkin into her pocket even as she denied him.
“Oh Jade, I promise you it’s a very good idea.” He winked at her playfully just to watch the blush that heated her cheeks. He collected his bike helmet and made his way to the door all the while feeling her eyes on him.