Page 15 of Players Break Rules
Bex nods. “Uh-huh. My dad asked me to stay behind.”
“Parker, stop bothering my daughter,” Coach Bryant yells. “Time to hit the showers.” He claps his hands together. “Let’s go.”
Bex lets out a sigh of relief. “Saved by the bell.”
“For now.” I wiggle my eyebrows. “Wait for me. Right here.”
“And why would I do that?”
Sassy as ever, she drives me crazy with her mouth. Fuck, I love it. Way too much.
“Do you know how to skate?”
She snorts. “My dad is a hockey coach. I grew up at a rink. Are you serious?”
I shrug, unaffected. “Hey, you never know. You could be good on your feet and horrible on skates. My older brother can’t skate to save his life even with my dad teaching him.”
“Really?” Her eyebrows rise. “I find that hard to believe.”
“It’s true. JP is more like my mom in almost every way. He never took to hockey, at least not the way I did, and he hates the cold.”
She laughs. “That’s interesting. I would have thought hockey was a mandatory requirement in your family.”
“He’s the brains—”
“And you’re the beauty,” she finishes for me, laughing.
“No, that wasn’t what I was going to say. But thanks, I guess.”
I want more of Bex. More time. More of her mouth. My brain and body are in complete agreement with my body winning out. I need to see her again, preferably off-campus and away from her father. Saturday cannot come fast enough.
She stares at me biting her cut lip.
I strip the glove from my hand and touch her cheek, moving my thumb over her lip. “How did this happen?”
“I took one for the team,” she says with a straight face.
“Bex likes it rough,” her friend chimes.
I laugh, my mind now wandering to dirty places. Her friend’s comment makes me think of sex. Regardless of Bex’s cracked lip, I want to take it between my teeth so fucking bad. She taunts me without even realizing she’s doing it.Fucking tease.
A long pause ensues between us before Bex says, “You stink, Parker. Go take a shower.”
I laugh. “Is that a yes?”
“It’s not a no.”
My God, I love her mouth.
“What about your dad?” her friend asks.
“Oh, right. We’re supposed to have dinner with my dad. I can’t. But I’ll see you on Friday.”
“Can I call you?”
She dismisses the idea with a quick shake of her head. “No, I don’t like talking on the phone.”
“Texts, then?”