Page 21 of Players Break Rules
Bex:Oh, hey. What’s wrong with my jersey?
Preston:It’s not on my floor.
Bex:OMG. You’re an idiot. Remind me again why I gave you my number?
Preston:Because I’m taking you to meet my mom.
Preston:I can’t believe I just typed that. You should feel special.
Bex:And why is that, Mr. MVP?
Preston:I’ve never introduced my mom to any of the girls I know.
Bex:I was already nervous. Now, I’m even more freaked out.
Preston:Don’t sweat it.
Bex:I’ll try.
A few minutes pass where I attempt to come up with something clever. Instead, I try being myself. With Bex, I can relax, lower my guard. There’s something about her that sort of settles me despite how anxious I am about making the wrong move.
Bex:Did you want something other than to tell me you’d like to see me naked?
Preston:I never said I want to see you naked.
But I do.
Bex:Your message implied it. Was there a point to texting me this late at night?
Preston:Late at night? It’s ten o’clock. What are you, 90? Sorry, Grams.
Bex:I’m tired from practice and school. You should be in bed too. Your big game is tomorrow. Good luck, by the way.
Preston:I’d love to get in bed with you.
Bex:Parker, Parker… Peter Parker. You’re such a bad boy. Do you ever think with the right head?
I glance down at my growing erection and shake my head.Nope.Only the one that counts. I’m rock-hard from talking to her. All I can think about is being balls-deep in Bex.
Preston:I never think straight when it comes to you.
Bex:My dad has rules. We’ve already broken one of them. On Saturday, we will technically break another one.
Preston:How many rules does he have?
Preston:Have you broken them for anyone else?
Bex:Not for a long time…
Preston:What are they?
Bex:No talking to his players. No hanging out with his players. No dating his players.
Preston:I can guarantee you’ll never break the last one.
Dating is out of the question. I don’t have time for drama. This year is all about winning the Frozen Four again and being drafted into the NHL. I play hockey almost every day, and when I’m not, I work out. If anyone understands a collegiate athlete’s schedule, it’s Bex.