Page 40 of Players Break Rules
“Can I at least get a hint? What team does he play for?”
“Why do you care, Preston? It’s not like we’re dating. We’re barely even friends.”
The entire room goes silent, all of them now looking at me in equal bewilderment as Preston. I reach out to touch his arm, and he sits back in his chair, dodging me.
“Hey, I didn’t mean to be so rude. I’m sorry, okay? I just don’t want to talk about it. Not now, anyway.”
“Did he hurt you?” He lowers his voice to a whisper and cups my knee in his big hands. “Because if he did, I will destroy him.”
How do I answer that question?
“Can we talk about this later? Maybe when no one else is around?”
Or never. That would be preferable.
He forces a smile for my benefit. “Sure. How about I feed you then walk you back to the dorms?”
“Sounds good. I have practice this afternoon.”
“Me, too. Your dad is all about us being on time.”
I return his smile. “He hates it when people are late.”
My dad also hates when people defy him. Like we did last night. Over and over again.
Preston drops his intrusion of my past—at least for now. It’s only a matter of time before I have to tell him about Kellan. And when he finds out the truth, he will lose his shit.
* * *
“Stop acting like Kobe and pass the ball, Bryant,” Coach Vaughn yells at me.
Whenever I hog the ball, my coach tells me that I’m living up to my last name and acting like Kobe Bryant. His comments make me laugh every time.
I shake my head and chuckle, dribbling the ball once more before I pass it to Taylor. She catches the ball and palms it in her hands. She pivots her left foot and then lowers her stance, leaning into the girl behind her. Making some room, Taylor bounces the ball. She twists her body in an awkward position as she spins, and then grabs hold of the ball again to make the layup. Our three-man team wins.
Coach Vaughn blows the whistle. “Okay, ladies, huddle up.”
We gather around him and await his next instruction. Sweat slides down my face and runs into my eyes. Using my jersey, I wipe my forehead and cheeks. The gym feels about a hundred degrees with how hard we’ve played today. Or maybe it’s the hangover kicking my ass. I’m probably sweating out the alcohol from last night.
“Bryant, you have to pass the ball this weekend. If you want to be a champion, you have to act like one.”
I sigh. “I know, Coach. Sorry, I’m a little off my game today.”
He nods. “You can say that.”
“I’ll be on my A game,” I promise.
“I hope so,” he says, and then his eyes shift to the rest of the group. “Okay, ladies, I want to see the last two teams on the court right now.”
The six of us, who were on the court, walk over to the bench, dead tired. We’ve been going at it for hours nonstop and with little breaks.
Mental note—no more drinking the night before practice.
I never do stupid shit like this. I also never hook up with disgustingly sexy hockey players either. So, there’s that. I have to purge Preston from my system… if possible.
“You okay?” Taylor asks me.
I take a sip from my water bottle. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just tired. Late night.”