Page 76 of Players Break Rules
“We weren’t tag-teaming her,” Tucker shoots back.
“She had sex with both of you, right?”
They both say yes.
Jamie shoves a hand through his messy hair and sighs. “Which of you assholes are telling your dad?”
“Fuck that,” Trent says. “I didn’t knock her up. I used a condom.”
“Me, too,” says Tucker.
Bex leans forward with elbows on her knees, staring across the coffee table at the twins. “Okay, so why did both of you have sex with the same girl?”
“It was an accident,” Tucker explains. “Sort of. I didn’t know Trent was already hooked up with Jemma. She pulled me into a classroom a few months ago, and I just went with it. People mix up our names all the time, so I didn’t think anything of it.”
Bex fights a smile. “You had sex with some random girl who didn’t even know your name just because she wanted to?”
“There’s not much to understand,” Drake says. “That’s pretty much how it goes.”
“Right,” Bex mutters. “You guys are such whores. I forget Preston used to be like you.”
I laugh, pulling her back against my chest and kiss her forehead. “I still am, babe.”
She sighs. “Yeah, but you’re my whore.”
The room erupts into laughter.
“I love you,” I whisper so only she can hear.
Bex smiles and mouths, “I love you, too.”
This moment is surreal. I sit across the conference table from Preston—right next to his mom, who is also my new boss. Coach offered me an internship at her firm, DMG, right after I graduated from Strickland University. I have six months of shadowing Preston’s mom before I can speak to clients alone. But at least it’s a start.
Preston clutches the pen in his hand peeking up from the contract his mom negotiated with the Penguins. He smiles at me, a smile so wide it reaches his eyes. We have an unspoken bond, one that doesn’t require us to exchange words. His eyes tell me he loves me. That he’s glad I’m here with him on the biggest day of his life.
I smile back motioning with my head for him to sign the damn contract. He’s been staring at it for so long as if he can’t believe it’s real.
As part of the deal, Preston has to be on his best behavior, obviously. After the fight with Kellan, the Penguins’ general manager was concerned he had behavioral issues, but the GM wasn’t going to allow one incident to get in the way. Like my dad, he knew a star when he saw one. Preston plays like his dad—maybe even better. They would have been fools not to want him.
Preston’s contract was my first foray into the sports world. And if all goes well, it won’t be my last.
“Go on, honey,” Coach says to Preston. “Sign it.”
His dad sits next to him, a ridiculous grin on his face. He’s so proud of Preston, it oozes from him filling the air with his love.
“This is the first of many.” His dad slaps him on the back. “Wait until the big money starts rolling in.”
Preston has never cared about the money. It was always about the notoriety and living up to the Parker name. That’s all he’s ever wanted—to make his parents proud of him—and he has.
As Preston signs the contract, I can’t stop smiling. Everything’s worked out for him in the end. The guilt I felt for so long over his suspension gutted me. I hated seeing him in pain and unable to play with his team.
Preston drops the pen on the table and slides the papers in front of his mom. She glances at them making sure he didn’t miss a spot.
JP walks into the room. He stands in the doorway looking like a million bucks in a three-thousand-dollar suit. The men in the Parker family are seriously hot as puck.