Page 34 of Her Mated Shifter
He doesn’t take his time. If he did, I would still be lost in the mystery of the spontaneous tattoo. Leo’s finger keeps a steady rhythm while his tongue does a patterned dance on my sensitive nub. When my breathing syncopates to the rhythm of his finger, I know I’m close. All it takes is a gentle nudge to the back of his head and he increases the pressure, his mouth suctioning to my clit until I come on his face with a helpless grunt. I use my grip on his hair to keep myself upright as wave after wave of euphoria rushes through me, leaving my knees weak and my body spent.
He holds my hips as he stands, anchoring me to him even as he turns his chin to the spray to rinse my juices from his face. When he turns back to me, all I can think to do is kiss him hard, centering myself on this beautiful source of contentment and joy.
When the kiss ends, I don’t want to break away from him, but instead I wrap my arms around his nude middle. My temple rests against his chest while the water cascades down our bodies, making rivulets toward the drain on the tiled floor. The flow of the water is peaceful, muffling the sounds of the outside world, whatever they may be.
I don’t want to question what kind of a woman sleeps with two men in the same night. I can’t bring myself to harshly judge my actions because I’ve never felt more at ease. Aside from the tattoo on my leg that I did not sign up for, I wouldn’t change a thing. I love how warm Leo always is, how well his body molds around mine. I haven’t been able to feel myself in so long, but when he holds me, I can hear my quiet thoughts again and sort the chaos from the things with which I should concern myself.
Like snuggling this shifter. I’m sure I am the only witch who has ever or will ever do so, and I don’t take that good fortune for granted.
“Leo?” I say just loud enough to barely be heard over the flow of water. “Tell me not to worry about how easy and natural this all feels. I don’t think this is what the witch who tethered us together intended. In my experience, witches aren’t all that concerned about happily ever afters. They’re more about the hiccups in between.”
Leo’s chest moves with a light chuckle. “Well put. Hey, I thought I was the person who was supposed to be distrusting of witches.”
“You forget I was raised by one. I know exactly how irksome they can be.”
“They? You don’t consider yourself one of them? You are a witch, you realize.” His hand drifts down to thumb at the small of my back.
“I know, I know. But I’m not powerful enough to cast a spell. I’m more the pay the bills kind of normal human, picking up after Fern when her cauldron bubbles over and she throws a fit, spilling potion ingredients all over the kitchen.”
Leo’s nose crinkles. “Sounds like taking care of a toddler.”
“You’re not far off.” I clear my throat and pull out of his embrace, ashamed that I spoke ill of my late mother. “I shouldn’t have said that. You’re supposed to take care of your family. I was lucky to have her to look after.”
Leo tilts his head at me. “You realize you were the child, right? Fern was supposed to be looking after you, not the other way around.”
I shrug. “That’s not how it works sometimes. It’s fine. Taught me loads of life skills early on.” I motion around us. “This is nice, though. I’m not sure when the last time was that I actually let go and relaxed.” A smile finds my features. “No nightmares, either. It seems you and Calvin are good for me. Haven’t had a peaceful night’s sleep in a while.”
Calvin lets himself into the bathroom, naked as the day he was born, however many years ago that was. “Nightmares for a long time? That can’t be good.” He lets himself into the wide shower through the glass door, as if it’s the most natural thing in the world to join two others under the spray. “I imagine I would go crazy after a few days of my subconscious being tormented like that.”
I shrug, wishing I hadn’t brought it up. “I didn’t realize the cure was boatloads of sex. Could have solved the problem weeks ago.”
I mean it as an offhanded joke, but Calvin takes my words seriously, even as I grab the bar of soap and lather it in my hands. “No nightmares here, though?”
“Nope.” I swallow hard, knowing this is not the sort of sexy talk most people have the morning after.
Or evening after. I still have no idea what time it is.
I try not to let any of my misery show. “The point I was making is that you two are good for me. I really enjoyed last night. In fact, I wouldn’t mind several repeats.”
The corners of Leo’s mouth lift in time with his stiffening cock. “I have a few things to see to with the pack tonight, but I plan on enjoying the fuck out of you when I get back.”
“Whenweget back,” Calvin reminds him. “We’re all tethered. If you do something for your pack, then Ivy and I go with you.”
Leo frowns, his brows knitting together as he considers this clear fact. “I guess I forgot about that. Yikes. How’s that going to work?”
“With honesty,” I rule. “You have to tell your pack what happened, so they know not to rely on you as much as they usually can. Otherwise, they won’t understand that you can’t be there all the time.”
Leo leans against the tiled wall, running his hand over his face.
Quite the journey the three of us have had in such a short time. Before we could barely stand to be around each other for more than a few minutes without an argument breakout out. Now the three of us are standing together, completely nude and comfortable with our bodies on full display while we chat about our shared future.
We’re more than comfortable, I realize. This feels right. It’s natural in a way that puts every nude experience before this in a slightly less than flattering light. This is the way we should be.
Leo crosses his arms over his chest. “The pack isn’t going to understand that you didn’t cast this spell on us. They’re going to aim their attacks straight for you, Fox.” Then he nods at Calvin. “And you’ll be next. No vampire would be near a shifter if there weren’t nefarious motivations behind it.”
I take the soap in my lathered hands and run it over Calvin’s chest and arms, lightly scrubbing his body for him. After all he’s been through with us, he deserves a little pampering. Plus, I don’t like this conversation that assumes the worst of him.
Calvin keeps his eyes on mine, watching me as if it is a curious thing to be washed so lovingly. “I suppose I can reschedule my obligations until we get this problem solved.”