Page 6 of Less is Moore
“And you, Abby?”
Abby shrugged.
“Are you okay?” Megan asked.
“Why can’t I tell you about Ava’s boogers?” Abby said before she pouted her cute face.
“We’re not doin’ this, sweetheart.”
Megan wanted the twins showered, their teeth brushed and dressed in their PJs within the next ten minutes. She knew this was highly ambitious, but she needed time for herself for just a few hours before she needed to show face bright and early tomorrow.
Instead of getting into bed after a shift at the Puffy Lips, she now had to set the alarm at five in the morning. And instead of her mom helping her out with the twins by bringing them to school so Megan could sleep a little longer, she now had to talk to the farmhands, take care of the first few chores, make the girls breakfast and bring them to school in a nearby small town before heading back to the farm and get the rest of her chores done.
Megan finished helping the twins getting ready for bed and crawled into the queen-sized bed with her daughters. She rested the back of her head against the headboard and opened the girls’ favorite book while they leaned against her, since she sat in the middle.
“Mommy, when will we go back home?” Ava asked.
Megan’s throat tightened. “This is our home now, sweetheart. We’re staying here with the pigs, the horses and Jimmy, Joe, Patrick and Axel.”
The four farmhands who had been a fixture at her great-grandfather’s farm had welcomed Megan with open arms. Megan still wasn’t sure if she could trust any of them. It wasn’t in her nature to trust easily since she’d learned from her mother from a very young age to solely rely on each other.
Working at a shady strip club right off the Strip also didn’t help in restoring her trust in strangers. She’d seen enough during her bartending shifts to write a book about lost and lonely people, but also dishonest and downright crooked lowlifes.
“I miss Gigi,” Ava said.
Megan kissed the top of her daughter’s blonde head. “I know, sweetheart. I’m sure your friend misses you, too.”
Ava’s bottom lip wobbled. “And I also miss grandma.”
Megan swallowed back her emotions. She also missed her mother, but she couldn’t afford to let thoughts about her mother run free. Megan’s anger about her mother keeping so many secrets with her to the grave was about to overflow any day.
If she’d known about her great-grandfather sooner, she would have visited Vic and she would have surely befriended him. Megan couldn’t believe just how lonely Vic was while Megan had begged her mother for years and years to tell her about her family.
Vic shouldn’t have died without ever seeing his daughter again. Megan didn’t know why her mother was so mad at Vic that she never contacted him again, but she’d heard the pain in his voice that day she’d met him.
She didn’t want her girls to know just how upset mommy was with their beloved grandmother and said, “I miss her, too.”
Perhaps if Megan had more time with Vic, she didn’t feel so blindsided by inheriting the farm and the lands. She could have asked him for help. He could have told her exactly whom to trust and what to do.
Her great-grandfather’s last words popped up into her head.
"Just don’t ever sell the farm. Ask the next-door Moore family for help if you must."
If Vic trusted the Moore family, then so should she. Maybe she should visit them after driving the girls to school.
“Mom. We’re waiting…” Abby whined.
“Sorry, sweetheart.”
Megan started reading and soon fell asleep in the bed between her girls.
On his way over to the outer fields of his parents’ farm, Ryan Moore found his sister and her husband, Kieran, kissing in the middle of the small dirt path behind the farmhouse.
“Get a room. Didn’t we build you guys a house further down?” Ryan joked, walking up to them.
Kieran broke the kiss first and said, “We were on our way home, but I just had to kiss my girl.”