Page 2 of At First Glance
Faye: Relax! I’m on my way down.
Faye grabbed her keys and headed out into the corridor. The chill sent a shiver down her spine, the hairs on her arms standing to attention, but a bourbon would warm her up in no time. And maybe, if she got lucky, a beautiful woman, too.
The lift greeted her as she pressed the call button. Phoebe had definitely sent it up for her. She loved her best friend dearly, but Lord…she was impatient. When the lift reached the ground floor, she was met with a scolding Phoebe, her green eyes almost ablaze.
“I’m here. It’s barely even 10.”
“So, maybe you could get here for 9:55, and then I wouldn’t have to be mad at you.” Phoebe linked an arm through Faye’s, dragging her down the street. “You look great, by the way.”
“Um, thanks. Who have you set me up with this time?”
“Now, I had a feeling you were going to assume that, so I decided to change it up a little bit tonight.” Phoebe slowed her pace, strolling with a grin on her face as she swept a hand through her light brown hair. “I’m not setting you up tonight, Faye.”
“Thank God.”
“We’re going somewhere new instead. It’s the talk of the city, and it’s…something different.”
Faye stopped dead on the pavement, her brow furrowed. She wasn’t fond of Phoebe getting an idea in her head. It usually ended in disaster or one hell of a hangover. Faye really wasn’t in a position to nurse a raging headache tomorrow. “Where are you taking me?”
“Strip club,” Phoebe said without batting an eyelid, guiding Faye across another street with an arm around her waist.
“Sure.Hilarious. Seriously, where are we going?”
“I’ve just told you. We’re going to a strip club.” Faye side-glanced at Phoebe. Her best friend really wasn’t lying. “Come on. Move a little quicker. I’ve booked us a table. This place is brand new,andyou need a letter from God to get inside lately.”
“N-no.” Faye shrugged Phoebe off her. In what universe would she freely walk into a strip club? “I’mnotgoing to a strip club.”
“Stop being such a prude. It’s just a strip club. Let go a little.”
Phoebe held up a hand. “Don’t try to pretend you wouldn’t be into this. You forget that I’ve read everything you’ve written.Darkhorse!”
It didn’t matterwhatFaye wrote; she still wasn’t into this. As her best friend, Phoebe should know that. “I really don’t want to go to a strip club.”
“Why? Think of all the hot women.”
“Yeah and think of the reason why they’re doing it. They don’tallwant to be there you know. They don’t allchooseto do what they do for the fun of it!”
“Please, would you lighten up?” Phoebe whined, sending Faye’s frustration deeper. “Come on, just give it a try. If you really don’t like it, we’ll leave. Okay?”
“Fine.” Faye sighed, dragging her feet down a side street she wasn’t familiar with.
When they reached a dark building that towered over them, Faye shuddered. She really hated this. Home was where she wanted to be. It didn’t matter that it was Friday night; her couch seemed much more appealing than here.
She shifted slightly, contemplating turning around and going home. But then Phoebe guided her inside the building, seemingly knowing the security on the door. “What are you having?”
“Just a water for me, thanks.” Faye smiled weakly; her nose wrinkled as she followed a darkened corridor. When she reached an open space, her eyes widened. Phoebe had actually brought her to a strip club.
“Why the hell are you drinking water?”
“Because I feel bad enough being here. I don’t need alcohol to play a part in my regrets tomorrow when I wake up.” Faye shook her head. “I just… Water will be fine, thanks.” She averted her eyes to the bar. Staring at these women didn’t feel right.
Faye inhaled a shaky breath, her eyelids fluttering closed. This was what people did. They came to these places. If they didn’t, clubs wouldn’t exist. And while she hadnevercontemplated coming to a gentlemen’s club, Faye would admit to feeling slightly intrigued.
She looked up, her eyes taking in the decor. Okay, she was pleasantly surprised. It was high-end. Nothing about this venue would indicate that women were being exploited. If anything, the space could lead her to believe they were well looked after.
Maybe after a little while she would feel comfortable here. Faye doubted it, but as she scanned the room, she found many beautiful women. Honestly, they looked anything but sad. Thrilled was how she’d describe them.Maybe I was wrong about this…