Page 49 of At First Glance
Faye’s eyes lowered to Talia’s mouth, thrilled when she found Talia taking her bottom lip between her teeth. Faye knew she was close to giving in. She could argue all day long that it wouldn’t work, but the connection, the urge to touch one another, was palpable. “Talia?”
“Mm?” Talia placed a gentle hand on Faye’s hip.
Stunned when Talia pulled Faye against her, all she could muster up were shallow breaths. It didn’t matter how she’d imagined kissing this woman…the reality was already so much better as their breasts pressed together. But then Talia’s lips were on Faye’s, her tongue slipping into her mouth, dancing against one another.
Desire slid directly to Faye’s core, wet heat pooling between her thighs. But it was the flutter of her heart that Faye memorised, how Talia’s soft hands held her hips. Nothing could ever compare to this. Sheer…heaven.
Talia pulled back, gripping Faye’s jaw gently as she went back in for another kiss, this one chaste. And then she grinned as she licked her lips, those dark eyes painfully beautiful. “How about that drink sometime?”
Faye, for the first time in a long time, felt as though she could breathe. “Any time. Any place.”
Faye woketo unfamiliar surroundings and complete silence throughout Talia’s apartment. She’d insisted she go home last night after showing up so abruptly, but the wind howling outside convinced her to stay. Talia had begged, and Faye didn’t have the heart to let her down. In all honesty, Faye could have done with some space, some time alone to realise what was happening here. But Talia had been more than accommodating, even taking the couch and offering her bed to Faye.
She’s a sweetheart.
Faye eyed the alarm clock; it was almost 8 a.m., but she had no desire to get out of bed. Talia’s mattress was far too comfortable, and all night, she’d been enveloped by her scent. Really, Faye was on cloud 9 this morning. It didn’t matter if she found herself wondering what the future could possibly hold or whether she would be able to stick this out. What mattered was that she’d shown up last night and Talia was willing to give it a chance.
She climbed from her cocoon and stretched her body. Faye wore Talia’s clothes—an oversized night shirt and shorts. She brought the material up to her nose, smiling as the softness of Talia’s scent hit her nostrils.God, why is everything about her so damn good?She could certainly get used to the feeling she’d woken up with this morning. Hopeful, happy…intrigued. Because yes,everythingabout Talia intrigued her.
Faye’s body thrummed. She really wanted to have breakfast with Talia before she had to leave and get to work at home. She didn’t know what plans either of them had in the coming days, but if Faye had to make herself available in the evenings, she would absolutely do that. She didn’t do that for just anyone, her work came first, but Talia was an exception. Faye suspected she always would be.
As she crept out into the open living space, she sighed. Talia was nowhere to be seen. There was no running water coming from behind the bathroom door, no sizzle of bacon as Talia cooked breakfast. Nothing.Shit! I’ve run her out of her own home.No, Faye couldn’t andshouldn’tthink like that. Talia could have popped out to pick up the morning paper for all Faye knew.
And then Faye’s heart settled when she reached the kitchen counter, a note sitting beside an empty cup. She traced a fingertip across Talia’s handwriting. It was stunning, just like her.
Help yourself to anything you need. I’ll be back soon. You looked beautiful sleeping this morning…
Okay. Faye could get used to this. All of it. Talia, her cute notes, her delightful words. She didn’t think she would want or need this ever again, that someone who you woke up with every morning and fell asleep with every night, but she did. She wanted every last moment of it. But only with Talia.
For as long as Faye could remember, nobody had come close to having this effect on her. She longed for something meaningful, a partnership, but since Amy walked away…Faye had fallen into a routine of not seeing past anything other than her career. And for the most part, it had worked. As she reached her forties, she’d resigned herself to the fact that some things just weren’t meant to be, regardless of how much she wanted it. But here was Talia, willing to give them an opportunity to get this right. And boy, did Faye crave that possibility.
She flicked the kettle on, preparing herself a cup of instant coffee, and stepped out of the kitchen and towards the huge bookshelf in the living room. She’d wanted to search it last night, to inspect the framed pictures she’d spied dotted around the place, but it hadn’t felt as though it was her place to do so. Now, with Talia gone, it was the perfect opportunity. She wasn’t rummaging around to look for things that didn’t concern her, she just wanted a tiny insight into Talia Gregory’s life.
Faye lifted a framed photograph, her eyes widening when she inspected it. It was Talia—or Adria—hanging upside down on a pole, spread eagle. Every last muscle strained, her core ripped and strong. Faye felt a heat flush on her cheeks. Talia was so athletic, it made Faye pull her own stomach in as she continued to stare at the picture. What the hell did Talia want with Faye? Honestly, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to keep up with this woman. But she was going to give it one hell of a try.
She placed the picture down, lifting an award beside it. “Oh, wow.”
In her hands, Faye held a piece of crystal citing that Talia was the European Pole Dancing Champion. As she brought it closer, she discovered that Talia had actually won it three years in a row.
This…was impressive.
“Ah, you’re delving into my life,” Talia spoke quietly, her breathing ragged.
Faye spun around, holding the award to her chest. “Jesus. Don’t creep like that!”
“Found anything to change your mind yet?” Talia stood with a hand on her hip, her chest heaving, her clothes sweat soaked. “Did you want me to go back out to give you time to do a runner?”
“This,” Faye said, ignoring Talia’s question as she held up the award, “is impressive.”
“You know what’s more impressive? You standing in my living room showing those gorgeous legs off.”
Faye blushed, shaking her head as she laughed quietly. “I wasn’t snooping. I was just a little bit curious and wanted to have a look at your bookshelf. But then I came across this and got waylaid.”
“Snoop all you like. I have no secrets, remember?”
Faye gently placed the award back down on the shelf, stepping away and towards the kitchen. “Can I get you some coffee?”