Page 51 of At First Glance
She had no idea what she would say, but she hadn’t lied to Talia when she said it had only been a few dates. Perhaps it would have gone somewhere, but Faye wasn’t willing to hang around to find out. The woman she wanted…wanted her back. That’s what mattered.
Jenna waved her over, pointing towards the coffee she’d ordered Faye. Okay, that was sweet. But it only made Faye feel guilty about meeting with Jenna today. This woman had been wonderful company.But you’re not looking for company.“Hi.”
Jenna stepped forward and leaned in to kiss Faye, but it landed on her cheek as Faye turned her head. Jenna frowned. “Is everything okay?”
“Have a seat,” Faye said, pulling out a chair for herself.Just be honest with her. She’d want that.“I can’t stay long because I have a lot of work to get through, but I wanted to sit with you for a few minutes.”
“That’s cute.”
“No, it’s not that…” Faye swept a hand through her hair, focusing on her coffee cup. She had no idea how to begin this conversation. Faye couldn’t say she’d ever been in this position before. Honestly, she never wanted to be in it ever again either. “I just…you’re great, Jenna. Really.”
Jenna held up a hand. “Oh, please don’t. I know where this is going, and you really don’t need to do this. You could have just sent a text saying, ‘thanks but no thanks.’”
“I wouldn’t do that to you.” Did Faye come across as the type of woman who would just send a text? “The least you deserved was an explanation.”
“Was it something I did?” There was a nervous edge to Jenna’s voice, but she had no reason to worry. Faye had thoroughly enjoyed the couple of dinner dates they’d had.
“God, no. Not at all.”
Jenna smiled weakly. “Right. Okay.”
“There was someone before you. Someone who couldn’t commit.” Faye didn’t want to say too much. She’d barely registered what was happening herself today. She’d woken up in Talia’s apartment, and tonight, they were going to dinner. To say she was shocked by the turn of events was an understatement.
“And now they can.” Jenna nodded slowly, a hint of defeat in her eyes saddening but warming Faye. She’d done something right if Jenna was upset to see this come to an end. Perhaps there was life left in her yet. “Just when I find a gorgeous woman, she’s unavailable.”
“I’m sure you’ll find the right person for you. But this is something I have to do. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry. If you’ve found someone who is willing to come back for you, I’d say that trumps everything else.”
Faye knew Jenna was right, but it didn’t make her feel like any less of a bitch. Still, she hadn’t strung Jenna along or suggested anything other than getting to know one another. They were hardly a couple. “Thank you for understanding.”
“Maybe we could still have this coffee together and remain friends?” Jenna threw the suggestion out there, a glint in her eyes as she lifted her cup to her lips. When she smiled, Faye couldn’t say no. Jenna had done nothing to warrant them never seeing one another again. And she really was lovely. Just…too lovely for Faye. She wasn’t quite sure what that meant, but she didn’t have an edge to her the way Talia did.
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
“Good. It’s quite nice for me to have friends outside of work. It gets to be too much, you know?”
Faye sipped her coffee. “Mm. I guess it’s a nice break once you leave the hospital. You’re all probably sick of looking at one another by the end of your shift.”
Jenna laughed and nodded. And then her features turned serious, her hand fisted under her chin. “Now, who is this woman you’re dating?”
“Her name is Talia. We’ve known each other a few months now.”
Jenna eyed the counter and then turned her attention back to Faye. “Wait! You mean the server from here?”
Faye swallowed. How the hell did Jenna remember Talia? They’d spoken for seconds, nothing more. “Yes.”
“Oh, how embarrassing.” Jenna winced and then laughed nervously. “Is that why she was upset? Because you and I were here together?”
“I don’t know. But when you left, she came over to speak to me. She wasn’t in a position to date before.”
“She looked devastated when we were here.” Jenna suddenly had a look of guilt in her eyes. But the meeting in the bistro hadn’t been intentional.
“No, I know.” Faye’s chest tightened at the reminder. She’d never bring Jenna here to willingly hurt Talia and she hoped Talia knew that. “But we’ve sat down and talked. Things are different now.”
“Look, I’m happy for you.” Jenna settled a hand over Faye’s, squeezing it. “If she makes you happy, grab it with both hands.”
“I plan to,” Faye said, her belly swirling with every emotion she’d felt lately. It wasn’t often she was in this position, emotionally unstable at times, but it was a good feeling. It meant someone cared enough about Faye to consider a future with her. “But we should definitely catch up at some point. When you’re not rushed off your feet at the hospital.”