Page 66 of At First Glance
“Forever.” Faye pressed her lips to the space between Talia’s breasts, dragging her nails down Talia’s back. “Now I’m making us breakfast before I have to leave.”
“Come on,” Talia said, climbing off the bed. She loved making breakfast with Faye; it was something she never really had much opportunity to do in the past. Whoever she’d dated—pre-Megan—seemed to be eager to leave early the next morning. “I’ll get the pancakes on the go while you slice some fresh fruit.” Thrilled when a very naked Faye flung back the covers and swung her legs over the bed, Talia stared up at the ceiling, releasing a slow breath. This woman was absolutely all she needed in life. “And I suggest you put some clothes on before I bolt the door and stop you from leaving.”
Faye took a step closer, pressing her naked body to Talia’s. She wrapped a hand around the back of her neck and drew Talia into a kiss. “Not the worst idea in the world.”
* * *
Faye blew out a bracing breath,stopping on the stairs before she headed for Phoebe’s apartment. They’d had a key to one another’s place for several years now, but this morning, Faye would be handing hers back, expecting Phoebe to do the same. After recent events, Faye couldn’t trust her anymore. If she was out to hurt her, and that was becoming more apparent as the weeks went on, she would do the right thing and cut Phoebe from her life.
Claims she’s in love with you.
Faye had never heard anything so ridiculous. How could Phoebe be in love with her? It simply wasn’t possible. They’d never had a moment, nothing that could even be considered flirtatious between them. In fact, Phoebe purposely went out of her way to belittle Faye at times. None of this made any sense. Of all the things Phoebe had said in the twelve years since they’d met…this had to be the most unbelievable.
She took Phoebe’s key from her pocket, climbing the stairs slowly. Faye didn’t particularly want to be here this morning—she had much more pressing things to get on with at home—but the sooner she nipped this in the bud, the sooner she could build on her relationship with Talia. Really, it wasallshe wanted to be doing. Because Talia made her beam with pride. She made Faye smile with the slightest of glances. And in terms of intimacy, well…Faye couldn’t quite put into words what Talia was capable of in the bedroom. Or the couch. Or the kitchen.
She flushed at the thought, a dirty grin spreading on her mouth.
Yeah, she needed to say what she had to say and get back home.
As she approached Phoebe’s door, she heard the radio playing inside her apartment. Thankfully Phoebe was home, because Faye had no intentions of stretching this out longer than it needed to be. Phoebe had hurt her, had doneeverythinga best friend would never do, and she didn’t appear to give a single crap about that fact.
Faye knocked as she slid the key into the lock, pushing the door open. Phoebe sat at the breakfast bar reading a newspaper, briefly glancing in Faye’s direction.
“It’s been a while since you let yourself in. Are you feeling unwell?”
Faye closed the door and strode towards Phoebe. She placed the key on the counter, opening the top drawer and taking her own apartment key from it. “I was bringing it back.”
“What? Why?” Phoebe scowled, dropping her newspaper down. “And why are you taking yours off me?”
“Because we’re done. I don’t want you anywhere near my apartment or in my life.” Tears welled in Phoebe’s eyes, but Faye scoffed and shook her head. “The little miss innocent act doesn’t wash with me. You’re a fucking bitch!”
Phoebe shot down from her stool, clearing her throat. “I don’t know what the hell is going on with you, but do you have to be so nasty?”
“Did you really think Talia wouldn’t come home from work and tell me what you did? What you said?”
Phoebe rolled her eyes. “Go on. Enlighten me.”
“I’m not standing here arguing the toss with you because, to be honest, I’mreallynot interested anymore. You stay out of my life, and I’ll stay out of yours. It shouldn’t be hard to do since you repeatedly insult and hurt me lately.”
Phoebe took a step closer, placing her hand on Faye’s arm. “Faye, I’m sorry if I’ve ever made you feel that way. It wasn’t intentional.”
“But kissing Talia was?”
“I didn’t kiss her.” Phoebe snorted. “She’d be fucking lucky.”
“I suppose you’re going to tell me you didn’t say you were in love with me either?” Faye laughed but all colour drained from Phoebe’s face. “Which is a good thing since you’re not my type, and I’ve never heard anything so ridiculous in my life.”
“You what?” Faye threw up her hands, resting against the kitchen counter. “Stop fucking about and tell me what the hell is going on with you.”
“S-she’s right,” Phoebe whispered. “I did and said those things.”
“O-oh.” Faye’s brows drew together. While she hadn’t entertained the idea of Talia lying to her, Faye didnotexpect Phoebe to be honest. “I…uh.”
“I just…I never knew how to tell you. We’re entirely different people, Faye, but that didn’t make me want you any less. You’ve always been so put together and supportive of me, and I guess I let my heart get in the way of that. And then she showed up in your life… What does she have that I don’t?”
“It’s not about what she has, Phoebe.” Faye pulled herself up onto a stool, scrubbing her hands down her face. How the hell had it all come to this? “You were my friend. And even though some of the things you say and do areveryquestionable, I still loved you like a friend. B-but that’s all. That’s where it ends.” Faye took a calming breath. “Your behaviour lately has gone too far. I just…I don’t want you in my life anymore.”