Page 7 of At First Glance
“Mm.” Faye sipped her coffee and smiled. “Beautiful, yes. Familiar, no.”
A thrill jolted Talia at those words. Faye Holmes…had just complimented her. Though Talia may have been used to people glaring, drooling, and whatever else they did when they thought about her, this was different. Because Faye didn’t look at her as though she was undressing her with her eyes. In here, at the bistro, Talia was just like any other woman trying to live her life.
“Look, you can say no, but would you like to grab a drink one evening?”
Talia swallowed. She’d love to, but she’d set herself a strict no relationship policy a long time ago. It just made things easier, and she didn’t particularly enjoy having her heart broken simply because of her love for dancing. She could assume that it was a friendly drink and readily agree, but the look in Faye’s eyes told her otherwise. “Oh, I-I…”
Faye held up a hand, focusing on her computer screen. “It’s okay. I thought I’d try, but you really don’t have to explain yourself to me.”
“Faye, I—”
“Have a partner. Of course you do.” Faye laughed. “I mean, whywouldn’tyou?”
Okay, Faye was doing everything to make Talia feel good about herself today. “Actually, I don’t. But I’m not sure I’m free.” Another lie that Talia regretted immediately.
Faye offered a weak smile. “Please, forget I mentioned it.”
“I’m not looking to date anyone at the minute.” That was the extent of Talia’s explanation. She couldn’t reveal anymore.You’ve never been ashamed of what you do, so why now?
“That’s okay.”
“But I don’t know…maybe we could have coffee again the next time you’re in here?” Though she couldn’t accept a date from Faye, she could certainly enjoy being in her company. Talia didn’t often give herself the time to consider another woman in her life, but something about Faye and that gentle smile made her want to at least fantasise about it. Not with Faye, obviously, but down the line, Talia may feel as though she was in a place where she could indulge the idea.
It almost killed you last time. Don’t do it to yourself.
“Coffee, yes.”
Talia relaxed back into her seat, watching the world go by outside. She felt Faye’s eyes on her, but she couldn’t give Faye the opportunity to figure her out. “I could sit here watching people all day. Sometimes, if I find someone interesting out there”—Talia nodded towards the street—“I watch them from the moment they walk in here.”
Faye’s coffee cup clattered onto the saucer. “What did you just say?”
“Oh, I don’t mean in a stalkerish way. People just fascinate me.”
“I swear I’ve heard someone say that before.” Faye ran a hand through her hair, closing her eyes briefly. “Sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I think I need to get some decent sleep.”
“I should get back to work.” Talia was digging a hole for herself; it was time to let Faye get on with her work. If she didn’t purposely hide who she was, Faye wouldn’t be so disappointed when she came to know it all. “Thanks for the chat. I’ll see you soon.”
“Yeah, definitely. Take care, Talia.”
Talia got up from her seat and took her coffee cup into the kitchen. She braced her hands against the counter, dropping her head between her shoulders. Why now? And why here? It had been so long since someone had asked her out for a drink, and Talia had foolishly blown off the one woman she’d found remotely interesting in a long time. While she may have come to terms with the fact she wouldn’t ever hold down a meaningful relationship, it didn’t make it hurt any less.
But it was for the best. Faye Holmes would not want someone who worked until sunrise.
The week wentby painfully slow. After Monday at the coffee shop, Faye had struggled to focus. Sheneverasked women on dates, and the one time she did…she was rejected. She couldn’t say she was disappointed, but the thought of having a drink with Talia had been a nice idea in her head. Talia had a gentleness about her, a calming voice. She had the sweetest smile. And those eyes? God, she felt as though she was seeing those eyes everywhere she turned lately. In all honesty, she felt…out of sorts.
I definitely know her.
But Faye didn’t. She couldn’t possibly. Talia was new to the area, to the city, and Faye hadn’t ventured down to London in a while.
Sighing, she lifted her phone from the table. She’d decided to head out alone this evening and enjoy a bottle at her local wine bar. Phoebe was on a date and working from home meant that Faye didn’t really have the option to ‘call the girls from work.’ There were none. None local, anyway.
F: How’s the date going?
Her phone pinged. A swift reply from Phoebe was never a good sign.
P: Terrible. I think I’ll be joining you after all.