Page 26 of On His Six
I close the door and turn to face her. “We could have gone back and forth, Maeve. If moving in with me was too much. I would have understood. Never would I want you to feel pressured.”
She shakes her head, setting the toy down to open the box. She pulls out the flag, then the jewelry box and sets it on the dresser. “It’s not that it’s too much, Lincoln. It’s that I won’t get to keep this. With you.” She meets my eyes, but turns back to the box when she sees my confusion.
“It was a freak accident. I can’t say one-hundred percent that won’t happen to me but I can say with a lot of certainty that everything is going to be okay. I’ll be safe. That’s what you’re scared of?”
She’s holding Polaroid photos and releasing them to scatter on the floor. “Yes,” she says without looking at me. There’re letters next, and framed photos she glances at quickly before putting them to the side. “It all went to shit when I moved in with him,” she whispers. Holding out a photo. Rexy is cradling her in his arms and they’re surrounded by cardboard boxes. “It ruined everything.”
I can’t look at the photo for long because seeing Maeve like that, with another man, sets off the raging fucking jealousy. “Moving in with him had nothing to do with the accident. You know that.”
“Maybe it didn’t, but it doesn’t change the fact that the stream of events did end up going in that order. It’s hard for me. Just because it does feel like we’re following the same course and everything is happening the same way.”
“What would you change? If you could make this exactly how you want it, so it could feel different for you?”
She looks at me, and I have to look away. The pain in her gaze is unbearable. “That’s it, isn’t it, though? It’s supposed to be the same because this is the natural progression for people who love each other. This is how it should be. There’s no way around it, and I just have to deal with what it makes me feel and pray I don’t overwhelm you with my issues.”
“Your issues could never overwhelm me, Maeve. We’ve talked about the only thing I take offense to, and that’s lying. Rexy wasn’t a lie and your love for him was real. It’s honestly relieving that you feel like this because it means I hold a candle to that motherfucker.” I look up to the ceiling. “Sorry about that, man.” I exhale and take hold of her hands. “Normal. This is all completely normal. I think you might have forgotten what that feels like after we’ve been wrapped up with Rena and the… mess she caused.”
A Polaroid stares up at me. It’s of Maeve and Rexy kissing. Maeve’s eyes are closed, but Rexy’s are open and he’s looking at the camera with a cheeky wink. I stoop down and stack up the photos without looking at any others that closely. I hand them to her and she puts them in the box. There’s a knock on the bedroom door. I call out, “Come in.”
Maeve wipes her eyes and puts the remaining items back in the box. “Hi Daddy!” Turner runs in and hugs me. My mom appears a second later with two shopping bags in her hands. I ruffle his hair and kiss him on the cheek.
“You guys get that truck unloaded?” Mom asks. I hear Dad shuffling around in the kitchen with grocery bags. “Maeve, I saw this sweater and thought of you.” Mom hands Maeve a shopping bag.
I can tell Maeve is shocked by my mom’s gesture. She takes the bag with a shaky arm. “Thank you so much, you shouldn’t have.”
“Oh stop now. I’ve never had a daughter to shop for, and don’t have any granddaughters yet, so give this old lady something to live for. I love to shop!”
Over my shoulder, I say, “She does. Let the woman shop.”
Maeve smiles as she pulls out the thick sweater. Right away I can tell she likes it. Her eyes light up as she holds it in front of her face.
“Do you like it, Maevey? I chose the color.”
“I love it so much,” she replies, hugging Turner against her side. She shrugs it over her head and looks in the mirror by the bed. “I would have picked this for myself if I was there,” she adds. Mom beams, Turner is radiating happiness, and I know how overwhelming we must be for her.
“You always find time to hit the shops, Mom. What did Dad do?”
She waves me off and goes to adjust the shoulders of the sweater on Maeve. “Dad loves it, don’t let him fool you. He got a new hat and socks.”
“Wow, sounds like a real fun time,” I deadpan sarcastically. “Nothing for me?” It’s a joke, but Mom looks terrified, like she forgot my birthday or something. “Shit, I was joking.”
“Don’t curse, son. I wanted to find something special for Maeve and we ran out of time. Had to get some ice cream on the way home, too.”
Maeve is still looking at the sweater. At her name, she looks up and walks over to hug my mom. “This was so thoughtful. Thank you so much.” I give her diamonds and she doesn’t react this strongly.
“Oh, honey, you’re welcome. I’m glad you like it. I’m going to go get some dinner started I’m sure you guys worked up an appetite today.”
Dad grunts from the other room to let everyone know he has worked up an appetite and wants to eat. Anytime food is concerned, Dad has an opinion. Mom steals away, and Turner walks over to Maeve.
“Tonight is when it starts, right?” he asks, looking up at both of us, hopeful eyes big and eager.
“What starts?” Maeve asks, setting a hand on his shoulder.
“My dream.”
Emotion clogs my throat swiftly. I clear it away. “Which one?” I ask.
“The one where Maevey stays here with us forever. She starts to be my mommy.”