Page 30 of On His Six
I swallow and let my gaze dart to my feet. “She’s probably on drugs. You know she isn’t making the most rational decisions. She committed murder. The lights may be on, but she’s not home.”
Riley’s conversation with Chip fades into the background as my friend gets aggressive in her questioning. “Do you know why she’s here, Maeve? Why are you acting like that?”
“Like what?”
“You know something. What is she doing here? You have that face. The one you wear when you’ve buried yourself in some deep shit and you don’t want to ask for help because you’re not used to asking anyone for help, and here I come reminding you that I love you and I will help you with whatever bullshit you’ve got yourself into.”
“No, no,” I say, shaking my head, knowing she’s dead-on.
“You’re lying to me,” Ramona counters.
“What is Maeve lying about?” Aspen noses her way over, now off her phone call. “She doesn’t lie about stuff often, so I bet she made it good.”
“I’m not lying. I don’t know why Rena is here. I mean, there may be a reason she’s here that I know of, but it doesn’t make any sense. I’m still trying to put things together.”
Ramona grabs my shoulders. “Let us help you figure it out. I demand it, actually.” Oh, shit. She’s not playing. “Stavros would want it, too.” Low, honest blow.
“Fine. Let me get her out of here,” I hiss under my breath. It doesn’t take much convincing after she hangs up with Chip she’s properly scared out of her mind, thinking Rena is going to kill her next.
“She saw inside my house,” she rambles. “I can’t die. I have to watch my kids grow up.”
“Riley, listen. Rena doesn’t want to kill you.”She wants to kill me.“You’re safe. They’ll have cops watching our street now. I’m sure Chip told you. I’m not sure why you came over tonight, or what your motives were, but I’m glad you did and I’m thankful you brought up seeing her.” I pause, putting a hand on my hip. “How did you not know? You seem to know everything about everything. Do you not read the news?” Unfortunately, it was everywhere. I couldn’t even go inside the local grocery store without hearing someone talk about it. Our sleepy Colorado town was buzzing.
“I don’t watch the news, really.”
I wince. “Not on social media or anything else? How?”
She throws up her hands. “No! Now I guess I should join something, huh? Is that where I get the scoop? I didn’t want to see my ex and his new shiny life, so I avoid it.”
Hm, an interesting bird indeed. I don’t know anyone besides me who doesn’t obsess over social media in some form or another.
“I feel like a moron. How could I not know? A murderer.” Riley covers her mouth like she’s spoken a dirty word. “At my house.”
“They’ll catch her. Especially if she’s using.” Rena has to be using to have balls this big.
She looks down and says, “I didn’t have any ulterior motives for coming here. I really was just lonely and wanted company.”
“Of course. I’m sorry. Come over anytime.” Now that I know you’re not after my man or out for blood. I say my goodbyes and Aspen and Ramona walk her to the door. Laying my hands on the cold granite in the kitchen, I think about how to tell Lincoln. What way I can spin this that won’t worry the piss out of him and send him running back home to play protector. Lying to him is painful, and I know he deserves to know. Chonk licks my hand, and I pet him, avoiding the ear that will never look like it should again. I still don’t know if Rufio or Rena cut my dog, and it bothers me.
“You have to tell him.” Ramona’s voice cuts through my mental tally of reasons I hate my twin sister.
“Because Turner. That’s why. There’s a little boy asleep down the hall that is fully dependent on you and Lincoln. He needs you both, and if Rena creeps over here tonight, which she won’t, so don’t freak out, Lincoln needs to know.”
“You’re right. Chip is sending guys over tonight. I get to be followed around constantly. Yippy! At least this time it’s good guys.”
“Are you seriously salty about having people protect you? I don’t get you sometimes. These people want what’s best for you. They’re trying to keep you alive. Rena is certifiable. She is poison. Everything she surrounds wilts and dies.”
Aspen chimes in. “I’ll call the beefcake for you!” She’s drunk and slurring. “Think he’ll say something provocative on the phone if he thinks it’s you, Maeve?”
“No,” both Ramona and I say at the same time. “I’ll do it, I’ll call him now,” I say louder. “He’s going to get so upset. He’ll treat me like I’m a fragile piece of ceramic or something. It took forever to get him to trust that I’d be okay after he got out of the hospital.”
“Girl, he needs to treat you like a fragile hand grenade, not ceramic.”
I wave her off and take my phone into the office. I do the precursory text to let him know I need to tell him something and ask him to call me if he’s free. This trip is different than the previous ones I’ve experienced with Lincoln and even Rexy. This trip is totally on the down-low. I don’t know what he’s doing or what time zone he’s in, or when he’ll be back. That’s why him being able to be tethered to me via cell phone is a big deal.
Everything okay?His reply is immediate.