Page 45 of On His Six
“So am I.” Her voice is soft, almost angelic. The juxtaposition of her taking my fat cock in her ass, is enough to send me spiraling, cum releasing into her body in strong shocks. Her pussy grips my fingers as her ass takes my full length and she screams, and I do mean screams, as she rides out the waves of bliss. My dick is still twitching inside her when she floats back to reality.
“Holy fucking hell,” I announce, voice hoarse. “I didn’t know it would feel that good.”
“Yeah, me either,” she sighs. “Pull out slowly. It feels sensitive, like I’ve never felt so full in my whole life.”
“You kind of haven’t been that full before,” I reply, easing out of her ass and her pussy at the same time. Maeve collapses on her stomach, stretching out like a cat. “Did it hurt at all?”
“Kind of, at first, but then once you got all the way in, and then your fingers, and then, oh my God, yes please more of that.” Her voice is far away and dreamy. “I love you so much, Lincoln.”
“To think I didn’t think I could love you more. Then you go ahead and give me all the holes.”
“Ha ha,” she slings back. “Seriously though.” Maeve rolls over. “Thanks for that.”
“And you’re thanking me. Did I die today and land on a heaven-like planet?”
She laughs and drapes an arm over her eyes to block the light. I drop a kiss in between her breasts, then her stomach, and kiss her clit with my tongue. “Okay,” she deadpans. “I agree, definitely a heaven-like planet. Let’s go shower so we can celebrate some more.”
I lave her cunt leisurely, then pause to say, “Oh, we’re not done until every single hole is dripping with me.”
Chapter 15
I hear the music playing, and I know I need to walk, but my feet are frozen to this spot, behind a tree. I’m not afraid of marrying Lincoln, and honestly, it’s not fear at all. It’s that I don’t want to forget this day. Every detail, every second, every aspect, is something I want to embed in my memory forever. “Come on, Maeve. It’s time. You’re the one that set this damn schedule down to the millisecond. That song means your feet move,” Ramona pipes up from next to me. “He’s waiting for you.”
“Okay. You’re right. I’m sorry,” I say, adjusting the ivory gown once more by picking up the silk at my sides.
“Say that again,” Ramona replies, looking at me with a grin.
I shake my head. “Never. Let’s walk.” She loops her arm with mine and the first person who loved me unconditionally, walks me down the path to the man who will love me unconditionally for the rest of my life. It’s a cool summer day and the mountains are alive. A breeze pulls across my face as I step onto the final path that cuts to Lincoln and the pastor standing under an arch made of light wood branches. Ramona grabs the flower crown on her head as the wind blows, and Vin smiles at her from a chair next to us. They married secretly and didn’t tell anyone yet. Ramona is also pregnant and hasn’t told anyone but me. The two have zero causation, but I think it’s why they’re keeping it a secret until later.
Lincoln is wearing a casual suit, and the man looks breathtaking. Beautiful. A man angel walking earth who drifted into my life at the perfect time. I now believe in fate and destiny. In an entity more powerful than humans, creating one person for everyone. Sometimes we get messed up and turned around on the way. Oftentimes wehaveto get messed up to realize what the master plan actually is. Sure, I almost had to die, and Lincoln had to almost die, and Rexy did have to die, but my God, looking at Lincoln I can confidently say, it was all worth it. Every scar, every heartbreak, every awful thing I endured as a child that somehow led me on this path to him. If I had been adopted instead of Rena, they never would have been next door neighbors—they never would have met. Turner wouldn’t exist.
And there he is, standing proudly next to Lincoln in the most adorable tuxedo in the world is my son. The reason I met Lincoln to begin with. If Lincoln’s love saved me, then Turner’s innocence healed me. He showed me that I can be a person worth looking up to. That I’m worthy of being his mother. When the willowing music stops, I’m standing in front of Lincoln. He takes my hands as I notice the tears in his eyes. “I’m so lucky,” he whispers, and the emotion surrounding us is cloying. We chose simple, traditional vows for this day, and they’re spoken with raw honesty. He slides the simple band on my finger and the pastor pauses and looks at me before pronouncing us man and wife.
I stoop down and beckon Turner forward. He slips out from behind Lincoln and stops in front of me. “You’re so beautiful, Maevey.” He reaches a hand up to touch a flower on my head. “Like a princess.” He’s holding back tears, and his bottom lip pouts out.
I smile, my heart about to explode with love for this tiny child. “I wanted to give you some vows, too. Would that be okay?” I take his shaking hands in mine.
“I’d like that,” Turner says quietly, looking up to Lincoln for reassurance, then focuses his gaze on my face.
“Turner Wilds, I vow to listen to you and play with you every single day. I want your help to cook and bake, and I vow to always let you preheat the oven. Turner, I vow to hug you and tell you how much I love you at night before bed and every morning when you wake up. I promise I will never leave you.” A tear drops down his face, but I catch it with my finger. “I will always be here for you. Through the good and the bad. I will be your mommy forever.” Lincoln hands me the adoption certificate we had framed for this occasion and I give it to him. “This says that no matter what, you are mine and I am yours.”
Turner’s hands shake as he holds it, and he stays quiet. I’m not sure if he’s happy or scared. He lets go to run a tiny finger across the name he recognizes, his own, and then mine. “What do you say?”
He meets my eyes, and his pout turns into a full-on cry as he wraps his arms around my neck. “I love you, Mommy.” The words are so small that no one else can hear, but they’re so big, and full of so much importance that they’re the sweetest song I’ve ever heard. Pulling Turner next to me, I stand. “I now pronounce you husband and wife and family,” the pastor says, looking down at Turner. Lincoln kisses me softly, and we turn to face our friends and family. Lincoln’s mom is sniveling, and his dad is trying to comfort her. Aspen and the rancher are waving and cheering. Riley is sitting there half-sad she’s not getting married, half-happy she was invited. There’re several SEALs including Isaac clapping, and I’m taking mental snapshots of it all. Aria and her boyfriend are at the end of a row, smiling broadly. This is the happiest day of my life. I officially have everything I’ve always wanted and thought I never deserved. I got mybigslice of heaven.
* * *
The reception is winding down, and the last SEALs have trickled out of my mountain house. We held the ceremony nearby at one of my favorite trailheads. My friends are still here helping clean up, and Lincoln is talking to Vin about something animatedly. I haven’t seen Turner in a while, so I seek him out, peeking my head in his room. He has a hammer in his hand and a long wood nail in his mouth when he turns toward me.
“What are you doing there?”
He takes the nail out. “I was hanging this,” he says, pointing to the adoption certificate on his bed.
“I can help if you want,” I say. It is not a nail that should go in a wall, but that’s of little consequence at the moment. “Or we could bring it home and hang it there.”
“I think I want it here and there. Could we get another copy?” His voice is lispy, but full of strong emotion. I’d never tell him no. Not about this.