Page 5 of On His Six
“Lincoln,” she whispers. “I want to have sex with you. Trust me. There’s nothing I want to do more. It’s better if we wait, that’s all. Think about it this way, I want to have sex with you over and over, aggressively. Not one time that has the possibility of hurting you, forcing us to take another long sex sabbatical. Imagine that! More time without sex.”
There really is no arguing with that logic. She’s unfortunately correct. Maeve knows it.
At the sight of my face, she laughs again, but this time she turns and leaves the room, her musical laughter lingering. Groaning, I try to prop myself up at a different angle. Stagnancy will be the death of me. I want to find Rena and make her pay. Not for what she did to me because getting shot at is in my job description, but for tearing Ramona’s life into pieces. For causing Maeve to watch her back in mundane circumstances. She took away peace. Rena fled the country as I suspected she would and because of her connections with the cartel, there’s no way to keep tabs on her save for heading to Mexico to look for trouble. I’m not in the state to do that, nor am I capable of doing it alone. Yet.
You see, she is running and alive because I was weak. I let my past cloud the fact that Rena is no longer the same person I loved—made a child with. She hasn’t been for a long time, but my mind took too long rationalizing things in the heat of the moment. I’d never admit it to Maeve, but I was not controlling my heart rate, or emotions that wintry morning everything went awry. The opposite. I was spiraling out of control, grasping on to anything that resembled the woman I once knew.
Rena was adopted at birth. That’s a fact she shared readily when we were old enough to talk about such things. The fact that she had a twin was a shock I’m still trying to process. Though I’m definitely past blaming my attraction to Maeve on their DNA. It has nothing to do with my falling for Maeve, it’s a stomach-sickening coincidence. Maeve is Turner’s aunt. It’s weird and twisted, and when I think about the dynamic, I realize our story belongs on aJerry Springershow set in West Virginia with a hint of inner-city crime, of course.Thanks for your drug addiction, Rena. You really gave us an edge!
Maeve is handling the news of her bio mom well. Or, as well as she can without caring very much. The past is the past, and the woman had nothing to do with bringing her up. She said she’s finished digging into her genealogy and wants to move forward by closing the chapter completely. With Rufio behind bars and authorities harping him to give up Rena and the cartel, I feel quite the opposite of closing a chapter. I want revenge and to rid us of the cloud chasing us—hanging over our heads. I want Turner’s safety. Maeve’s. And selfishly, my own.
Once cleared by the doctors to get back to work, I fully intend on chasing leads. Knowing I won’t be able to tell Maeve, because she’ll fear for my safety is a small price to pay. Rena can’t get away with destroying my life twice. My phone rings on the nightstand.
Rolling my eyes, I answer. “Mom, I feel fine. The same as when you called an hour ago.”
“Oh, stop it. I want to be there, so you’re going to have to deal with me pestering you. I know that Maeve has everything under control. I’m so happy for you, son. But I’m still worried about you.” She pauses. “I talked to Rena’s mom yesterday.”
I close my eyes. “Unless she told you where the fuck Rena is, I don’t care.”
“She’s not protecting her, Lincoln. She would give her up to the police if she knew where she was at. There’s been no communication with her since she… shot you.”
“She also killed a man, Mom.”
“I know. It doesn’t directly affect me, though. Not like you getting shot.”
“A man lost his life. That affects everyone.”
Mom sighs. “I’m sorry, son. I am. Listen, do you want me to come visit again and help with Turner? I know that you have everything under control, but Dad and I can be around to help, too.” They’re officially back together. Mom was even wearing her old wedding rings when she came to visit last week.
“You were just here last week, and it was a huge help. I have a mere scratch. I’m going to be back to work soon. Try to enjoy Florida. Go golfing or something. There’s no need for you to worry so much. Everything is going to be fine.” I give her the words I never say. “I promise.”
Another worried sigh. “Rena is still out there though.”
Ah, the truth comes out. Everyone’s fear. “She’s not going to do anything else to me. I’m surprised she even tagged me in the shoulder. If you think I’m going to let her get near my family, you have another thing coming. Rena isn’t a threat.” She won’t be for long if I have anything to do with it. “I’m going to see Rufio next week and I’m going to make him talk.” Actually, I’m going to bring Isaac with me, and he’s going to get him to talk. He’s better with negotiations than I am. Plus, he hates me because I possess the object of his obsession.
“How is Maeve really handling things? She puts on a good face.”
She does, doesn’t she? The master at concealment. Maeve hums a pop song in the other room. “I think she’s doing great. I’m going to surprise her with a ski trip when I’m healed. Maybe a beach trip.”
“Fully healed, I hope. This has to be a lot for her. Going from being a single woman with a business to run, to having to care for Turner… and you on top of it all.”
This one I can answer honestly without hesitation. “She loves Turner.”
I can literally hear Mom swoon on the other end of the line. “There’re some things a mother can tell, and that is the main thing I was able to discern during my visit. Maeve does love Turner. You’re lucky. I hope she doesn’t get so put off by the circumstances around loving Turner that she decides it’s too much.”
My stomach lurches. “Time will tell, huh?” I swallow hard. “I’m going to let you go now. I’m feeling tired.” An excuse I know she won’t argue with.
“Don’t let time get away from you, honey. Don’t let that woman get away. When you know, you know. I might not have a lot of experience but I can tell you one thing is always for certain, a person will come into your life and it’s then you’ll realize why it never worked out with those that came before.”
“Maeve was worth the wait.” She walked into my life and put everything else into perspective.
“Don’t make her wait any longer, then. Marry the woman and make it official.”
“Are you pushing me into marriage? That’s rash even for you!”
“I’m not pushing you to do anything other than what I know you’re already thinking about. I’ve seen the way you look at her. The way she orbits around you when she’s in the same room. You were made for each other, and the fact that she already loves Turner? Well, that’s a bonus. No more advice. Go get some rest now.”
After I tell her to say hello to Dad for me, we end the call. Have I thought about marrying Maeve? Only every time I’m inside her, every time I see her with Turner, and every time she tells me she loves me. That equates to ninety-nine percent of the time. DO I think it’s a rational, sane thing to ask her after what we just went through? Hell no. She’d think it was because we had a near-death experience instead of what it truly is. For me at least, it’s friendship and love in one person. It’s being home because she’s next to me. It’s because my world is better because she exists. I want her. I need her. Near-death or forever after, Maeve is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.