Page 25 of The Secret of Raven
Then I start downstairs, casting one final glance back at them before I do. Jax has his head down and Hunter has a hand on his shoulder, saying something to him in a low tone. The conversation looks intense and has me worried that something is wrong. But they asked for privacy, so I resist the urge to check on them and go downstairs into the kitchen.
The food is sitting on the table and so are some plates.
I sit down in a chair, pick up a spatula, and start putting eggs onto my plate.
“You might want to put that in the microwave; it’s probably pretty cold at this point.” Zay’s voice travels across the kitchen.
I pull a face at the sound and don’t even bother turning around. “Thanks for the tip.” I drop a couple of pieces of bacon onto the plate then get up to go put it in the microwave.
I haven’t looked at him yet, but I can feel him watching me.
“You took care of everything with Jax?” he asks with his arms folded.
“Yep.” I open up the microwave. “You never did come back with something to pick the lock with.” I press the timer thenstartbefore turning around to face him.
He’s leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed, and he’s wearing an indifferent expression. “I did, but when I came back, it looked like you had it handled, so I backed off.”
“Really? I didn’t know you knew how to back off.”
He studies me in a way that makes my body want to squirm, but I refuse to let it. He says nothing, just standing there, staring at me. I could tell him to go away, but this is his house. So, I bite down on my lip and wait for the microwave to heat up my food. Eventually, he walks away but doesn’t go far, merely going into the dining room. I watch him out of the corner of my eye as he opens a door that’s near the pantry door. He stares inside wherever the door leads with a frown on his face and his muscles wound tightly, as if he’s terrified of whatever is in there—
The microwave beeps, drawing my attention to it.
I tell myself to stop analyzing him as I grab the plate of food from the microwave. I take it over to the table, sit down, and take a bite of eggs.
Good God, I’m starving. I honestly feel like I’ve been starving for the last several years. The food tastes so good that I end up letting out this moan.
Zay glances in my direction with a funny look on his face.
“What?” I sound kind of defensive.
A beat goes before he says, “You’re a noisy eater.” Then he returns to glaring at the room inside the door.
I mumble, “Asshole,” under my breath.
I almost say it louder just so he’ll hear me. Then I remember that this is his house that he’s letting me stay in and that I should probably be nice despite the fact that he’s annoying.
I stuff another forkful of eggs into my mouth and try not to moan this time. Then I take a bite of bacon, then eggs. Back and forth, nearly devouring my food. I’m almost finished when I finally glance up from my food, only to find that Zay is still staring in that doorway like the boogeyman is about to jump out at him.
I should probably let him do his thing since we argue every time we speak. Plus, I don’t know if I trust him. All the guys seem like they might have a secret—and so do I—but Zay is way more questionable than Jax and Hunter.
Just go back to eating your food, Raven.
Leave it alone.
But I guess I’m a glutton for punishment because I find myself stupidly getting up and wandering over to him.
“Are you okay?” I ask as I tentatively approach him.
He blinks, as if he was in some sort of trance. “Yeah, I’m fine,” he says coldly without looking at me. “Go eat your breakfast.”
“Stop bossing me around,” I mumble.
He rolls his eyes. “Just leave me alone, okay?”