Page 30 of The Secret of Raven
He flashes me a devious grin then releases my hand. Then he types in the passcode on his computer and rubs his hands together. “You guessed right, baby.”
I don’t even bother pointing out that he called me baby again. It seems pointless at this point.
“So, what’re we gonna do?” I wonder, tucking my leg underneath me. “Set up spy cameras? Audio recorders? Wait—do you guys actually get to be spies?”
He shakes his head with a smile on his face. “God, you’re so fucking cute.”
I crinkle my nose. “Dude, I’m starting to think you might not know the definition of cute.”
He chuckles then light bumps my shoulder with his. “I’m starting to think you don’t.”
I’m unsure what he means by that, but I get distracted as his computer turns on. On the screen is what looks like coding.
“What the heck?” I lean over his shoulder to get a better look. “Did you get hacked?”
“Nah, it’d be tough for that to happen.” He types a few letters into the coding, and the computer screen goes to a normal home screen. “It’s added security protection.”
“Oh.” I can feel the corners of my lips starting to tug downward. “Okay, I’m starting to wonder how in the hell I’m supposed to help you guys with anything. I’m not computer stupid or anything like that, but this is clearly way over my head.” I gesture at the computer.
“I can teach you some stuff,” he replies as his fingers start moving along the keyboard. “But there are ways for you to help that aren’t even computer related.”
“Like what?”
“Making runs for us when we need … after you learn to drive. I can teach you how to set up pretty easily.” He clicks the mouse. “You also can be a perfect distraction.”
“Distraction for what?”
“For if we need to sneak in somewhere to set up cameras and there are people around. It actually happens a lot.”
I arch a brow. “You want me to distract people? How?”
“Trust me; you’re very distracting just with your looks, but when you start talking, you could probably put someone in a trance.”
I roll my eyes. “You’re delusional.”
He glances at me, his blue eyes glinting. “Do you know how distracted I was that day I met you in the front office? It started the second I walked in and saw you from behind. Then I saw you from in front, and I felt like my tongue was stuck to the roof of my mouth.”
“Liar. You were talking to me the entire time.” I’m trying to play it cool, but what he’s saying pushes me toward blushing.
“Yeah, so? It doesn’t mean I wasn’t struggling. And then, to top it off, you were so witty and sassy and, seriously, I was fucking mesmerized.”
I shake my head, ignoring the warmth spreading through my body. “You know what, bestie. I can see why so many girls at school like you.”
His smile falters, and it throws me completely off.
“I …” Looking away from me, he focuses on the computer, growing quiet as he clicks keys on the keyboard.
I feel like I said something bad, but I’m not sure why it upset him so much. Low joked about it with him—being with a bunch of women. Zay and Jax have also given him crap. Still, I feel terrible that I upset him.
“Hey, Hunter, I’m sorry,” I tell him. “I shouldn’t have said that.”
His fingers stop moving on the keyboard. “No, you should’ve. It’s the truth.” He pushes a few more keys. “I just hate that it’s that way.”
“You don’t like that you’ve hooked up a lot?”
He releases a slow exhale. “Every time I decided to hook up, I was in an awful place. And I was in a really bad place for a long damn time, so I did it a lot, which means there’s a lot of hatred in me toward myself.” He quickly clears his throat. “But, anyway, that’s not your problem, and I’m sorry if I made you feel that way.” He returns his attention back to the computer.
I hate that he feels this way, that he looks so sad right now. Hunter is the reason I’m not friendless right now, why I’m not stuck in my room during this snowstorm, with fresh new words carved into my flesh. He’s the reason I finally told someone about those scars.