Page 54 of The Secret of Raven
Date. Date. Date. It’s such a foreign word.
“I guess.” I’m not sure if I agree, though.
To be honest, it still does sound prostitute-y if you ask me.
Story of my damn life.
Not that the story of my life is that I’m a prostitute. I just feel like it makes sense, considering how my life has been so far, that it's work-related the first time I go on a date.
“Cheer up, pretty little daredevil,” Hunter teases me as he opens the box he’s holding.
“Okay, now you’re just mixing all sorts of nicknames,” I tease, wondering what on earth is in that box.
Jax moves up behind me, placing his hands on my hips, as Hunter pulls out a joint from the box.
Okay, so I don’t want to seem like a freak or anything like that, but dude, he may have just stolen a tiny piece of my heart.
“You’re smiling,” he says as he takes a lighter and sets the box aside.
“Because I’m happy,” I say shamelessly. “Right now, you’re definitely my best friend.”
He juts out his lip, pretending to pout. “I wasn’t before?”
I hesitate, wanting to say no just to tease him. Honestly, he kind of is, which I know makes me sound pathetic, seeing as how I’m referring to him as my BFF when I barely know him. Allegedly, anyway. Not that having Hunter as my best friend is a bad thing. It seems like it could be a wonderful thing.
“Your silence says a lot,” he teases, reaching out and lightly tracing his fingertips along my cheekbone. Then he removes his hand, but only so he can put the end of the joint between his lips and light up. He inhales, trapping the smoke in his lungs before releasing it.
Smoke laces the air as he hands me the joint. I’ll admit, I’m totally excited to be getting stoned. After everything that’s happened, it’ll help clear my head.
Or, well, fog up my head, I guess is the better way of putting it.
I put the joint to my lips, inhale, and … Oh my God, I’m in stoner bliss as the smoke saturates my lungs. I trap it in, letting it seep through every part of me before exhaling.
Smoke circles my face as my lips spread into a grin. “Thank you.”
Hunter has an amused sort of look on his face before he slides his gaze to Jax. “Dude, she just thanked me for a hit.”
“Yeah, I think we’ve already established she’s adorable,” Jax says with amusement in his tone.
I’m about to turn around and blast him with a dirty look because, seriously, he’s starting in on this adorable thing, too? But as I turn, he leans forward, and we end up with our lips a sliver of an inch away from each other.
I blink. What is he doing?
With what can only be described as the most beautiful flirty smile I’ve ever seen curving across his lips, he keeps his eyes on me and reaches out, taking the joint from my hand. Then, still not breaking eye contact, he moves the end of the joint toward his lips to take a hit. I’m not even sure what it is—the way he doesn’t look away from me or the intensity suddenly flowing off of him—but my heart is racing inside my chest, which is fucking weird considering I’m high as hell.
He takes a hit then moves the joint away from his lips. Then he leans even closer to me.
Confusion weaves through me for a moment. Then it dawns on me. I’ve seen people do this before, in movies. I’ve never done it, because I haven’t gotten high with anyone before.
I hold perfectly still, my heart pounding in my chest as his lips connect with mine. I slightly open my mouth from the connection, and he exhales, the smoke funneling from his lips and past mine, slipping down my throat as I inhale.
I wait for him to move back so I can exhale, but he lingers close with his eyes shut, a soft sigh falling from his lips. Then he slants back, and I release the smoke. I can’t stop the smile from pulling at my lips.
“That was weird,” I say teasingly.
Weird but kind of sexy. I’m not about to say that aloud in front of them.
Hunter chuckles as Jax hands him the joint. “So damn adorable.”