Page 73 of The Secret of Raven
He catches his balance quickly. “You don’t work for our father anymore. You guys are on your own in this. Outcasts who are being forced to play.”
“Why?” I ask, balling my hands into fists.
“Why not?” is all he says.
He’s totally playing me. He knows something I don’t, and I hate it.
What I hate more is that I have no idea where Raven is.
I need to find her.
I turn to walk away, and he laughs at me again.
“Such a goddamn pussy,” he says.
Something rises inside me like a wave, and before I even know what I’m doing, I twist around and sucker-punch him. People gasp as he trips into the wall, but I ignore them, getting in his face as he wipes blood from his nose.
“If you’ve done anything to her at all, I’ll fucking end you.” With that, I turn and storm away, with this disgusting amount of fear pulsating through me.
Fear because I may have just opened Pandora’s box by hitting my brother.
But most of my fear is stemming from the idea that he did something to Raven.
And the fact that that fear exists at all is more terrifying than anything else.
I texted Jax earlier after I almost kissed Raven in the kitchen, saying I needed to talk to him when we got a chance. But it took him a while to reply, and of course, he finally did when I was about to get high with Raven.
I had a plan, too. While we were smoking, and after she was good and relaxed, I was going to tell her that Jax and I both want to date her. That way, I could finally kiss her. But then Jax had finally messaged me back, and I had to put a pause on my plan.
I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not. Because I’m not certain if Raven will want to date us both or not. Honestly, I’m still a little bit confused myself.
But I put that aside and meet Jax in his room where we agreed to meet so I can tell him what transpired between us in the kitchen. And I’m not just talking about the almost kiss. I’m referring to the fact that I’m almost positive she’s Willow.
“Hey,” he greets me when I walk in. He’s been pacing the floor but stops as I enter. His gaze skims over my shoulder, and he frowns. “Where’s Raven?”
“In my room.” I close the door. “She’s fine. We were about to get high when you texted me, so I need to make this quick.”
“Make what quick?” he asks.
I take a deep breath then tell him what happened in the kitchen with Raven, what she said that made me realize …
She’s more than likely Willow.
“I can’t … I can’t …” Jax struggles for words as he paces the length of his room.
I knew he’d freak out, but he needs to know. So does Zay. He hasn’t responded to my text, though that’s typical for him.
“You need to calm down.” I watch Jax pace the room, worried he’s going to break.
He glares at me. “How the hell do you expect me to calm down after what you just told me?”
I lean against the dresser, mostly to hold myself up. The truth is, while I appear calm on the outside, on the inside, I’m freaking out.
Raven is Willow.