Page 102 of Regency Mid-Summer Mischief
"Do you think he'll make a good husband for Felicia?"
"Eventually. But they should not rush into marriage for a good while yet."
Ronnie set down her cup.
"You know that will not sit well with her, or with Mama either."
He groaned.
"Be that as it may. Your mother is not happy with you either. Says you have missed your chance at being Baroness Appleby."
"I consider it fortunate that Appleby found William's sister to his fancy. I wish I had opportunities to meet other kinds of men, not the London sort."
"What sort of man are you looking for, my dear? A military man? Your friend Captain Drew might match you up with one of his majors, if they aren’t already married."
"That is not why they came to Weymouth. I spoke with Major Ellis, who told me that they came to visit Captain Drew. They wanted to be certain that he was recovered from his wounds and had a fulfilling occupation of some sort, besides wandering on the beach. They were concerned for his health and well-being. He'd been a fine officer, they said."
"Were they satisfied?" Lord Montgomery finished his coffee and set the empty cup on its saucer. "I must say I find Drew one of those rarest of individuals, a man who seems content with his station in life. A very fine fellow, worthy of his friends' concern."
"Major Ellis said that they were pleasantly surprised at his adaptation to non-military life. He's overcome his lack of facility with his arm. It doesn’t seem to be a hardship for him."
Ronnie stared down at the dab of coffee remaining in her cup. What would her father say if she mentioned how fond of Drew she was?
"The man has ambition. He is trying to make this establishment better in every way. That's admirable."
"I gave him a few suggestions about improving this garden."
"Is that so?"
"He asked my views, so I tried to help."
"Good. You admire him too?"
"Yes." She leaned forward and spoke from her heart. "You see Father, I do admire him very much. Far more than I've ever admired or cared for any of my suitors."
"I say, that is a shock. And does he return your esteem?"
"I doubt it. He saw the way that I treated Lieutenant Endicott and his stories, so I assume that he thinks I am a brainless ninny."
"What does your mother have to say about your attraction to Captain Drew?" Lord Montgomery asked.
"Nothing. She has no idea, I mean, please do not say anything."
"You know that she would not approve."
Ronnie nodded.
"Actually, this is the first time I've really admitted it to myself."
She hid her quivering hands in her lap.
"Then it will remain our secret, Veronica. Just between you and me. As for your mother, one daughter with a title will have to do."
"Thank you," she whispered.
It was all she could do to force the words over the lump in her throat. She hoped that he could not hear her heart hammering in her chest.
Perhaps it was the respite of confession, Ronnie thought as she climbed the stairs and quietly slipped into her bedchamber without disturbing her mother or sister. Now that it was fully light and the sun threatened to cast away the grey clouds, she felt like she could fall asleep.